4/17/19; Bloodproof Suit

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One day there was a really moist dude named Muffabuffa. Muffabuffa went on a datey doo with his gurl at the beach. But then a lightning bolt did something and she died. "Nooooo! My gurl!!" yelled Muffabuffa sadly. He was really scared that he was gonna go to Jal becooz it looked like he mudded his gurl. But he ain't mudded no one. He decided to put on his blood proof suit so that he could toss her gently into the ocean and get rid of her boody. He also put on his blood prood mittens and fashinubble boots (also blood proof) and then he threw her boody into the water. "Ahhh" he cried with sadness. Muffabuffa then started to get really sweaty becooz he saw 2 of his friends, Grape and Achoo comin' to town. He then dug a really big hole to China from the beach and stayed there forveer so Grape and Achoo wouldn't think he mudded his gurl. And then he changed his name to Mintorpo Boo'glesso so dat they would nevah evah find him. And there's that. Uh huh girl. Yeppidy yurp.

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