The Hidden Silent

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The start to a story I think I will write!

I know what happened to her, and so does Novelty (yes, the tickle story!)

I really hoped you enjoy it! Please comment if you like it and if you don't please comment also, as I would like to improve! Constructive criticism- I'm all for it. c:

I fear my writing has got worse... :/




I wasn't going to get up. I didn't think I could. My heart was cartwheeling and my whole body was shaking uncontrollably. I choked on another sob and retched again. My chest heaved and I fell limply against the side of the bath, grabbing the towel with trembling, twitching fingers.

I could hardly breathe. Even moving hurt.

The images kept coming. No. Please, no.

I cried out and the door behind me was flung open.

He crouched beside me, holding my shivering shoulders. I knew he was whispering something but I couldn't hear. I couldn't feel.

I nearly toppled sideways as I had another wave of weakening nausea but his firm hands held me there as I heaved into the tub.

"Thomas?" I whispered and gagged, instantly regretting trying to talk.

"It's okay, I'm right here. It's okay."

Before I could open my eyes to the spinning pictures, he had scooped me up and the white world vanished.

I felt my head spinning as I was jostled down the hall.

The face searching mine was so kind and open...

Soft. The blankets were soft. So soft.

"Rest Lilly, it's okay now."

His lilting voice, like a lullaby, and soft like the bed with feathery pillows.

"I'm sorry." I croaked and my mind blinked more images at me, my stomach churning in return.

"Hush. Shhh now."

Like the sleepy roll of the ocean waves. The tears were the salty spray on my cheeks.

I screwed my eyes tightly shut but it was so bright.

Ever so bright.

Then it was fading. The light went dim and I heard his voice again, more distant.

"What happened to her? God, what happened?"

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