23. a house party? so cliché

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So I was at a City Youth Council meeting and some people and I were talking before we were about to start a workshop for the city's long term plan and we were coming back from the food table and when we sat down a girl called Anya jumped away from the table saying something was gross and another girl was looking a bit scared and so I was looking around for what scared them and then I realized a guy at the table had just given himself a shot with insulin and I said "Oh you just took insulin right?" and he nodded smiling because of the other girls reactions and YEAH! That’s my story of nearly seeing a guy inject himself with insulin which if you don't understand is what Maddison takes as well :)

ANYWAY thank you so much for voting on it that star did become a #shootingstar! Now you need to help this one >>>> click it please!

Chapter 23~ A House Party? SO Cliché

"Maddison Heart a new addition to this year's races is slowly falling behind as Ashley Test takes the lead"

My mind was spinning as I realized two things 1. I hadn't taken my normal slow and steady start and 2. That I'm losing


I started taking bigger steps as I began to catch up to Ashley Test

"Oh Heart is starting to take a lead on Test"

The commenters were just pissing me off now, I knew what was happening, Ashley knew what was happening, and everyone watching knew what was happening. Why did they need to comment on it? Pointing out the obvious... Okay no, I need to get my head straight it doesn't matter what they think or say, it's their job anyway. Okay no Maddie you can do this

"Heart taking a complete lead on Test"

You can do this

"Finish lines coming up now"

You will do this

"Looks like the winner is...”

You have to do this

"Maddison Heart!"

And you did do this

My legs ripped through the finish line as I began to slowly down 

My chest was heavy and my vision a bit blurry but I slowly caught my breathe and ran back to Coach 

"Well done Maddison!" he cheered patting me on the back 

"Maddie" I corrected 

"But thanks" I smiled up to him 


"Hey Harry!" I smiled at him as he ran towards me with open arms, catching him in my own and lifting him off the ground 

He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear 

"You won!" 

"What was that for?" I whispered back 

"It's because I know Mason will do the same" he replied quietly as we watched the rest of the Millers and SJ walk up to Coach, Harry and I 

"Congratz Maddie" Jack patted me on the back 

"Oh Maddie, I'm so proud of you" Linda gushed 

"Yeah you were great" Jacob complimented 

"She was better than great dumbass, she won" Chris snapped back at his brother then turned to me 

"Good job" he smiled truthfully which is something I had actually hadn't seen before 

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