What Comes After [Quotes] [DW+Fringe AU]

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// Quotes for WCA, a Doctor Who - Fringe AU fan fiction I'm writing. It's replacing the WhoLock Fringe fan fiction known as Hostage. \\

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"We are going against an enemy that is always one step ahead. Always knows our next move. And who has made it impossible to find allies against, because the whole universe believes there isn't a threat."

"And you're the only one who can stop it."

"Before the Time Lords, there was another race of aliens on Gallifrey. Well, aliens to you."

"You're the last. The last Gallifreyan."

"They... Are... Coming."

"Don't touch me unless you want to know what you're getting for Christmas!"

"Clara who?"

"This is Me. She's a bit self-absorbed, if you couldn't tell."

"Screw you."

"His name is September. And he isn't human. Well, not exactly."

"Find... the Other... He knows... the truth."

"I'm scared."

"Hold my hand."

"So... You remember the Cloisters?"

"To you, it'd be known as the Loom. To those who have spent longer than an hour here... its hell."

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