Only One Choice Left

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           Well Brittany felt the need to begin picking on me once again. However, little did she know, I was fed up and I wasn't having it anymore.

         "Alright class pass your bellwork to the front of your row." Ms Johnson stated. When Brittany passed her paper to me, she decided to throw it. It's not my paper and I didn't throw it so I was not about to bother to pick it up. "Somebody is missing a paper on this row." "Who didn't turn in a paper?" Ms Johnson asked. Nobody said anything. "Okay nevermind that I'll just go through this stack to see who's paper isn't turned in." I just waited patiently to hear her name considering I knew it was Brittany's paper that was missing. "Okay Brittany where's your paper?" "Did you decide not to do it?" Ms Johnson asked her. "Well actually I passed it up but this girl decided she wanted to throw it down." Brittany said. "Well Ms. Johnson actually she threw it at me intentionally and I was not about to pick it up." I said. "Brittany get up and turn in your paper or it will not be graded." Ms. Johnson said.

          After that Brittany got up and turned in her paper. She decided to shove me awfully hard when she made it back to her seat. I was fed up! I stood up and reacted back with a punch and there it was. A fight between me and Brittany had broke out! I was continuously punching her and before the fight was broken up I kicked her in the face and slammed her on the desk. My friend Naomi came over and pulled me off of her while Ms. Johnson separated Brittany from me. She was lucky because I was 2 seconds away from picking up my text book and slamming her head into the floor! I found it funny how Brittany was the bully but the one with the black eye and bloody face, while I was the victim with nothing but a scratch. We were now in the office waiting for Mr. Jackson, our principal to talk to us. They had us separated. I was in the office while Brittany was inside the conference room. Mr. Jackson had finally talked to us after waiting up to 10 minutes and had given us our consequences. Usually when you get into a fight you get suspended at least 3 days. But no, I had 2 days of ISD while she had 3 days OSS. I'm not sure if it's because she was the bully, or if she's had a past for fighting. All I know is that we did not get the same punishment but I didn't care.

As I got home that day, I showed my mom my referral and with her knowing that I was standing up for myself I received no punishment. "Well did you win?" My mom asked me. "Of course!" "Do you see me?" I asked with a laugh. "Mom she has a black eye and blood dripping everywhere." "You should've seen her." I said. "Well baby that's good I'm glad you stood up to that bully and stood your ground!" "I'm not mad!" my mom said. "Just don't think this means go fight again miss!" She said with a serious look. I went up to my room where my phone was I had a message from both Keya and Naomi, asking was I okay. I then felt the need to just call and put them on 3-way so we all could talk together at once. As I put the phone on speaker, I went onto my twitter to see the video all over my timeline. I was very astounded when I seen that people were going in on Brittany. And now basically Brittany, the 6 foot, supposedly brave young lady, whom was a bully just yesterday, was now being bullied and tortured by tons of people. I still do not feel bad for the fight. There was only one choice left so I did what I had to do and it sort of payed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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