The Nerd

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  Summer was now over which meant school was officially back in session. I was a freshman at Baton County High School. This was located in Chicago, Illinois where I was both born and raised and lived my entire life. The summer went by quite rapidly, but that didn't bother me too much. I've always had a strong aspiration about becoming something extraordinary in life. With that being said I had a profound love for my education and I loved me some school. I've always savored the opportunity to learn new things. I'm just a 14 year old teenage girl, but don't judge me by my age—I know a lot. I'm very ambitious, so giving up is never an option nor much of a thought for me. I like the person that I am right now, however I desire the person I have the potential to be. I'm diligent and I'm daring, there's absolutely nothing that can stop me from getting what I want because I'll always find a way. Numerous people refer to me as, "The Nerd." Well I guess that's maybe who I am after all.

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