Smoking against the sky- #5

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Darkness files away and her senses are flooded, oh cod dammit.... Head banging, clanging with sharp pain... Mouth dry... light too bright...a damn hangover. Ugh, what happened....?
Warmth brushes against her arm, she jolts and looks for its source.

...Why is kimiko sleeping with her in bed.
Her soft breaths brushed against Marina's face, and she sat up. Her dainty hands shook. She swallowed and peeked under the sheets... They are both fully dressed. Thank cod almighty, he's had SOME mercy on her.
The stench of alcohol floods her senses, and she sees several cans and glass bottles, some brittles shards across the floor. The light from outside made them glisten.
She looks beside of her, the ashtray on the nightstand is full of cigarette stubs. The vaguely smell still. Enough of looking around, she needed to know if she did or said anything stupid, and needed to know it now. Both of her hands placed onto Kimiko and she shook her awake. Kimiko's tangerine eyes slowly opened and she let out a low hum.
"Get. The. Fuck. Up."
Kimiko slowly raised her head and yawned, dramatically stretching her arms to the sky. After a moment her arms laid comfortably by her sides and she looked at Marina in confusion.
"What is it Marina? Is something wrong?"
"What. The fuck. Happened. Last. Night."
"Well, I-I asked if you wanted company and you said you would l-let me stay i-if I bought alcohol and cigarettes. I-I managed to convince a-a couple of octo troopers to help me; we sneaked some from the surface. Y-you drank a lot a-and started acting weird after a while and forced me to sleep in the same bed as you..."
"Chesus fishing christ I'm a fish-fucking mess." Marina pinched the bridge of her nose, groaning. She couldn't wake up not one day without being reminded that she is a mistake.
"I-I-I'm fine y-you didn't do anything to me! Y-you just kinda rambled about... Pearls?"
Marina rummaged through the night stand, and pulled out half a pack of cigarettes. Red tips greeted her when she opened and slid one out. She rummaged for a lighter, and the night stand delivered. The end of the cigarette ignited and she breathed, the smoke giving her a familiar, soothing, hug. All the stress was brushed away and her nerves were calmed. She spoke up after a moment of indulgence..

"...Let's get something straight here."
"We are not friends. We are as far away from that you can get. "
"Let me fucking finish." she snapped. Kimiko nodded. Marina could see tears form around her eyes. Pussy.
"We are not friends. We never will be. You showed me around to where Octavio asked you too, and gave me booze and cigs. That is fucking it. Get that through your damn thick skull before you get hurt."
"I...I thought we were friends..."
"Well, that was a mistake. You ASSUMED we are friends. I don't know why you would think that."
"Get out."

Once her footsteps disappeared, she was left with nothing but silence. She didn't exactly feel like drinking her sorrows away with booze just yet, and there was only a TV for any kind of entertainment. Fuck that shit, as if she wanted to hear more bashing again.
Now was the time to explore.
She nosed around the place, searching for a pair of shoes, she found a pair of black boots. Whatever. She slipped them up, tightened the laces, and set off.

She wandered mostly around the gorge. Slipping in and out from stations for Octarians, and the underground tow- well, it was more of a "residential area" if that made sense. The whole place was much more empty than expected. The only thing that was really left were all the snipers and Commanders troopers and whatever. The ones that were pretty stupid, all things considered. They didn't have the mental capacity to disobey Octavio's orders, which explained why they were there. She did occasionally see an octoling-
"Oh my cod."
It was the mother-SON OF A FUCKING FISH DICK- bare-foot-octo-boy.
"You're the barefoot guy from the toni kensa ads."
"That I am." he leaned casually against the orangish colored rock of the gorge. The same dark shades from that night covered his eyes and he wore a Ink-wash shirt. Marina always preferred the Ink-fall shirt. Honestly, it didn't really suit him, but she supposed it only looked good because that's what he was paid to do.

"Why the fuck are you down here?"
"Been a spy for octavio for months now. You have a cig on ya?"
"Wait wait- what?"
"Do you have a cig on ya?"
She could- and probably should have, slapped him. "Not that you fucking moron, what was that about a spy?"
"That's what I am."
"But why?"
He shrugged, "It's fun. I'm one person in front of my fans, and one in front of everyone here. I'm doing a damn good job of it too. You got a cig on you or not?"
Marina huffed and pulled one out of the box. He grabbed it and pulled out a lighter, cigarette in between his teeth. The lighter snipped and snapped, and a gentle bright flame grew. The tip ignited and the smoke grew and grew and disappeared into the sky. The sight made Marina crave for one too, she snatched one out and found herself leaning against the same rock. Looking into the days sky. It was a beautiful day. As beautiful as it could be, anyways.

"Why are you down here?" barefoot-octo eventually asked, smoke spitting out of his mouth as he spoke.
"Kidnapped, basically. Octavios got some kinda crazy fucking plan, or he just has the same one but with- I don't fucking know- Marie maybe? Instead, or some shit."
Barefoot laughed, "Yeah, sounds like it. Everyone in inkopolis is still talking about your hit and run with the paparazzi. Everyone's been itching to see you pop out of nowhere and take your ass to court. I could see it now, it being reported on the news with the caption TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!" he boldly exclaimed, with dramatic hand motions. His words echoed throughout the gorge. "But then again, every trial is the trial of the century aint it?"
"Oh cheesus..." Marina sighed, she felt like a train engine, seeing all the smoke spill out with the rest of her breath. "Can someone tell them that isn't fucking happening?"
"So you're staying down here eh?" His afro glinted in the sunlight, and his eyes probably would be if she could see them.
"...Probably. I fucking hate inklings." she grimaced and took a deep inhale of the cigarette. Feeling her stress levels rise and rise.
"Oooohhh... so THAT'S your problem." he took a deep thoughtful inhale of his cigarette, as if he'd solved one of the world's greatest mysteries.
"The fuck you mean by that?" she asked, mustering up a hateful glare. It didn't seem to be very effective.
"Everyone started picking at you because you hate them. Fans can tell when you're being disingenuous believe it or not."
"Bullshit, as if you're one of THOSE guys who actually swallow that bull shit about "loving your fans" or what the fuck ever it is exactly."
"Not really, but I'm good enough at faking. Besides, models don't need to be loved by too many people to stay relevant. They just need to be hot, and make the clothes look hot. Both I can do."
"I didn't ask for them to "love me." It's all their fault that any of this happened- wait are you trying to imply that this is all my fault??!"
"I'm not saying anything but.. Does a jellyfish swim?"
"Fuck you." She felt lame, he looking like she's got her "all figured out" and can only muster a fuck you. "Last time I give you a cigarette, barefoot boy."
"I have a name you know," he replied snarkily.
"Enlighten me then hotshot." Marina spat back at him.
"That is my name, yes."
"....I'll label that under the things I don't give a fuck about."
He shrugged, flicked away the rest of his cigarette and stomped on it, dusting the leftover ashes off his clothes.
"Oh Kimiko!" he waved over in the distance. Of fucking course Kimiko showed up again, marinas face contorted into a scowl, and Kimiko looked nervous. Marinas body shifted to the side, armed across, looking at her through the corner of her eyes.
"H-hello Marina."
"Y-Your tentacles are still braided I see..."
"...been meaning to take them down..." she grumbled.
"T-the DJ wanted me to ask if you've made a decision...."
"...Yeah." she said flatley
"O-oh!" Kimiko looks mildly surprised, and Vector, that rat bastard, looked amused.
"Well, don't keep us in suspense, what is it?" he smirked
"...tell him. Whatever it is, I'm onboard."

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