Chapter 13

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Abel had begun to fuss as the time for his next bottle grew closer and closer. Mae scooped him up to help keep him calm while Tara mixed his formula. With dreamy eyes she hushed the baby, her heart swelling as he looked up at her and began to wail.

"He's got a good set of lungs." Mae joked as she took the bottle from Tara. "Can I feed him?" It was a welcome break and Tara happily let her takeover. "Horrible, what happened with Jax's ex."

That was an understatement. Tara nodded and pulled a face, she didn't want to offend Mae, even if there was many glaring differences between her and Wendy. "Luckily he came through it, I'm glad I could help. Usually after surgery I don't see my patients again, it's been a thrill to watch him grow."

Mae smiled sadly and was finally able to tear her eyes away from the child. Looking at him filled her with such conflicting emotions but none more so than fear. "Past use, does that usually cause problems in pregnancy?"

"It can," Tara said with a nonchalant shrug. Mae hid her face as her heart fell, she'd been worried about that. "Depends on the damage done though, how the body handles the stress of pregnancy." With a little smirk she looked at Mae. "Are you and Ope talking about it?"

"Not at all, I don't know even know if he wants more kids." Mae laughed awkwardly hoping not to give anything away. "I was just wondering, really."

"Case by case but usually with proper care mom and baby can be perfectly healthy."

"Yeah," Mae chewed on her lip. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Before she could speak Tara reached for her phone as the screen lit up, "One second." Tara then answered with an apologetic look at Mae. "Hello?"

"Got your medical bag?"

"Yeah, always." She swallowed hard, hearing the panic in Jax's voice made her stomach turn. At least she knew he was okay. "Why?"

"Ope's hurt, I need you to meet us at the club, we're just coming off the interstate."

Tara's face fell as her eyes rolled up to look at Mae. "Yeah, I can. I'm at Ope's now, Jax."

"He's bleeding real bad Tara, make her stay there with the kids."

Tara agreed, she just wasn't sure how she'd make that happen. As they hung up Tara took a deep breath, she dreaded telling Mae. "They're on their way to the clubhouse. I have to go meet them and I need you to stay here and watch Abel for me."

Mae's heart stopped. "What happened?"

"I don't know. Opie's hurt, I need to go help them."

"Shit," Mae's eyes welled with tears. "I want to come." This was why she couldn't come, she'd be too emotional.

"Mae, I need you to stay with the kids for now. I'll call you as soon as possible." Tara was already slinging her purse over her shoulder. "I'm sorry." Tara left Mae in the living room cradling Abel and crying quietly. This was her life now, she had to handle it but she didn't know how.


Just as Tara finished setting up in chapel, clean towels and supplies from their kit and the hospital, the boys arrived. Jax, Tig and Chibs helped Opie out of the van and into the club. He was already woozy and dazed from loss of blood. With more help from Juice they were able to get him up onto the table.

"Hey Ope," Tara leaned over and smiled at him as she snapped on her gloves. "You alright?"

"I'm okay," he dropped his head down on the table with a thud. "I'm good. How's Mae?" He asked, his tongue felt heavy and sluggish.

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