Part 29

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8 months pregnant

"Okay Jada, Calm down you good" I said annoyed

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"Okay Jada, Calm down you good" I said annoyed.

"It hurts though, she keeps kicking. Watch feel" she grabbed my hands and placed it on her belly. I smiled at the little kicks that I felt.

"Aww you're happy" Jada smiled. I moved my hand because she just ruined the moment.

She called me saying she think the baby was coming. I told her to call me when she got to the hospital, but Jacey made me come.

"So you like the name I chose or what?" Jada cheesed and I sighed because I was just ready to go home.

"Honestly, no" I told her "and just in case she is mine, you changing her name."

"To what? I don't know any" she smacked her lips

"Kayla" I told her. "Kayla Mae Mill"

Im naming me and Jacey baby Jayla Dae Mill. If Jada baby is mines then I want the girls to be close. Considering the fact I basically, well I still am, denying Jada baby; I don't want her to feel unwanted.

If Jada do have my baby I will apologize and shit. But if it ain't mines, Jacey got my blessing to beat her ass.

"That's cute" she smiled

"That's cute" she smiled

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"JOSEPH!" I yelled. "Keep fucking playing with me, Im gone beat yo ass"

"No you not" he laughed running.

"Bring yo ass here, NOW" I yelled to him


I just gave up and sat down. Kash been giving me the run around all damn day and that shit is tiring. He too fucking bad for me to be watching him alone.

He not scared of me like he is of Kaden, because Kaden whoops him and I baby him. I pulled my phone out to FaceTime him, but someone knocked on the door.

I went to open it and I closed it just as fast when I seen Sincere. He put his foot in the door, stopping it.

"Look I just need help" he said.

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