Part 11

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Jacey woke up in the hospital 5 hours later

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Jacey woke up in the hospital 5 hours later. As she woke Kaden told the nurses and they started coming in bombarding her with questions and checking stuff. After they were finished they left the room leaving just Kaden and Jacey in there.

"Kaden where's my baby" Jacey asked, but Kaden just let his head hang low and tears welled up in his eyes. "Kaden" she called out to him.

"Jacey I don't know" he said looking up at her as a tear fell down his face. She too started crying.

"We dont do nothing to anybody" she cried "why did they take him, they could've took me instead. This is my fault! I should've paid closer attention to the road. I should've been stronger and fought to get to him. Now my baby's gone"

Kaden got up from the chair he was sitting in and grabbed Jacey's hand.

"Stop it's not you're fault, you can't go blaming yourself Jacey. Just be strong so when you get out of here we can go and find Mer" he told her.

"How am I supposed to be strong Kaden?" She questioned him

"Jacey were going to find him. I promise" he told her

Meanwhile, in the next city over

"He won't stop crying what I'm supposed to do" Robert asked

"Look I'm not in this bruh. You on yo own nobody told you to be stealing babies for no damn ransom" Michael told him "now what if them people poor?"

"Then I'll drop the baby off somewhere. Nigga I don't know" Robert shrugged putting Kashmere who was now sleep on the couch

"You in some shit Robert! I can't help you" Michael said grabbing his coat and leaving

Back at the hospital

Jacey's doctor told her she could leave tomorrow since she had very little injuries. When he left out an officer came and she started telling him how everything happened.

"Okay well the other car that was involved in the accident didn't have anything to do with the abduction of your baby" he said "An elderly lady said that when she heard all of the commotion and came outside a man came from nowhere and took the baby" Jacey nodded as she took everything he was saying in. "We're going to go to the press and put out amber alerts. We'll put yo phone number up as well to let people know to call us or you if they see anything."

Jacey and Kaden knew that their baby would be found. One thing that the police didn't allow here was kidnappings or any type of abuse to children. They just didn't know how long it would be until they we able to be reunited with their baby.

I know this was short, I just had to put Why the baby was stolen.

Stupid reason right😂 I couldn't come up with nothing else seeing as they don't really have any enemies.

Okay, I'm finna time gap cause .... why not ?

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