Feeling the Lost

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It's been officially a month since Steve and Ramona been integrated into the new era. They still had their problems adjusting but they were making it. Nick filled Steve in on everything he needed to know about the new era and what was accomplish after the war, Nick even filled him in on his unit and Bucky family. Bucky mother passed away at a good age of 80, that was very uncommon for people to live so long back in those times and Steve felt proud that his second mother lived a long life. Mrs. Barnes made sure both him and Bucky got royalties from their war advertisement thanks to the lawyer that she hired and later married, that woman was a titan, Steve will miss her greatly. Rebecca and Braxton got married but never had children, Rebecca fell ill early in life and Braxton also passed away at a good age of 70 but never remarried after Becca death, Steve always knew them two would get hitch that wasn't a surprise, he wish he was there to see Becca as a young woman marring the man she love. Steve was truly feeling the lost, he missed out on so much that it really felt like just yesterday he was there. Thanks to the money that Mrs. Barnes made sure him and Bucky earned, Steve was able to find a house fairly quickly. Nick made sure to keep his account open, so that was very helpful. Steve was surprise to learn that the valedictorian in his high school started his own banks called 'Chase', who would've thought, the kid was always bright, Steve felt proud of knowing him in high school and now seeing everything he accomplished. 

Steve was learning so much under a short amount time, working his ATM card was a true struggle, and seeing the high food prices was just another thing that he wasn't prepared for. How can a gallon of milk cost more the .5cents? Steve thought the world now just didn't make since. Even going back to his old neighborhood Steve found now he couldn't afford it, back in his day no one wanted to live in Brooklyn now it was a chic hotspot according to Nick. The new world had its positive, the internet was extremely helpful for getting around New York, the food was so much better, Steve was grateful for once having a fast metabolism, and the music is out of this world. Everything was much easier and at his finger tips. Ramona was doing much better herself. She was still jumpy when loud noises happen but not nearly as the first few weeks. Steve did notice that she would look out the window or stay close to the door whenever they will be at home, she would also pace around sniffing everything then whine before looking out the window again. Steve knew she didn't understand where Bucky was or even what happen to him, she was drugged most of the time in the end. The last thing she seem to know was that Bucky was with them and now he's not. Steve tried his hardest to make her feel like she wasn't abandon, but once again, it's hard to tell a dog that their owner is no longer with them.

Steve also wonder if Ramona thought they were still at war, sometime Steve have to laugh at himself. "Hey girl, you want to go for a run?" Steve said to Ramona who was once again looking out the window. Ramona removed her nose from the curtain and began to wag her tail running to the door barking in excitement at the prospect of running. Steve and Nick couldn't figure out what Hydra had done to her, but Steve notice that when he run she can almost keep up, she will be a few paces behind but she wasn't bad, it help that Steve didn't have to worry about her keeping up. Ramona was a good dog and Bucky trained her well, Steve knew she wouldn't runaway, but he was careful, Ramona was all he had left, he wasn't about to let her go so easily. "Ok girl I'm coming, just let me put my shoes on." Steve said drinking the last of his milk before grabbing his shoes and Ramona leash. Once she was hook up, Ramona went out the door followed by Steve. Steve saw his next door neighbor, a blonde woman, the woman was nice, always saying hi and good morning even try to befriend Ramona, but the dog wasn't having it. Ramona never did trust new comers. "Good morning ma'am" Steve said with a quick smile before moving pass her to get to the stairs. "Good morning, have a good day." The blonde woman said with a smile before going into her apartment. Steve and Ramona made it outside their home and went for a light jog first. Steve kept Ramona hooked around his waste with a new gear he brought, it was helpful for their warm up run a least until they made it to the large field that was near their home. When the duo made it to the field Steve unhook Ramona, who shook her fur and was tap dancing in place ready to let loose, it was her favorite thing to do, not having a leash and run full speed, a dog couldn't ask for more. 

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