Exploring the New World

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It's been a few days since Steve and Ramona was brought into the new world, they were adjusting well not really going out into town but just staying in front of the building and going to the nearest coffee house. When Ramona first venture out she was to keen on the sounds and movement, the last thing she remember, she was in a forest with a lot of loud banging noises and the smell of death. Now all she smell is smog and exhaust, this was a complete 180 to what she remember. When Steve first brought her out to use the bathroom the building backyard was very closed off so Ramona was fine with the grass beneath her paws and the quiet background noise. The front of the build however Ramona wasn't prepared for, she ran back into the build scared of the noise that was being produce by the busy city. Steve tried to coax her by sweet words and encouragement, but Ramona wasn't ready, this was to different to what she remember. Steve let her be instead letting her out in the backyard thinking they will try again another time.

Steve could understand why Ramona was so hesitant, the last place they were in, it was a war zone so Steve didn't mind giving Ramona all the time she needed. Steve also knew he needed to buy her a new collar and leash, the old ones was gone thanks to Hydra when they took her, and Steve wanted her to be safe in the new world. Steve asked one of the people that was living in the building with them if they knew were the nearest pet store was. The woman gave Steve directions then asking him if he wanted her to come along. "No thank you ma'am, I think I need to learn how to navigate on my own. Thank you for asking." Steve said before for bring Ramona back to their temporary home. "I'll be back girl, I need to buy you a few things." Steve said giving Ramona a kiss on her head before leaving out. Ramona stared at the door before moving to the window, she spotted Steve walking down the crowded streets before whining and pressing her nose on the window leaving a nose print. It's been forever since she seen her Bucky, and he haven't return. Every time she heard a noise she thought it was her Bucky coming to join her and Steve in this strange place, but he never came. Ramona knew he will show up, he always did, she didn't mind waiting, she will wait forever for him to come home right now she just need to be patience.

Ramona was still looking out the window waiting for Steve to return. When he tried to bring her to the outside world she was very scared, the smell is what hit her the most, she remember the smell from her puppyhood but at the same time this was all new. Why weren't they in the forest with the smell of death, were was the popping noises and the loud bangs, Ramona wasn't understanding what happen and why everything was different, she didn't recognize any of the people that was around her and Steve, Ramona was just overwhelmed. Ramona spotted Steve with a few bags in his hands and started wagging her tail and whining before leaving the window and waiting in front of the door. When Steve opened the door Ramona jump on her hind legs giving Steve licks as if he been gone for hours when really he's been gone for 30mins. "Yes i'm back girl, I brought you some goodies." Steve said with laughter, happy to see Ramona healing and become her happy self. Steve can see a little sadness in her eyes, but right now she was happy and that's all that matter to Steve right now. "I even brought you some toys, they have so many food choices for dogs and cats now, I just stayed with the one Nick got for you. Hey look, I hope you like this collar I thought this fit you perfectly." Steve said pulling out all the items he brought for Ramona and putting them away. Steve then put on Ramona new collar with dogs tags, the lady at the cash register told him it would be a good idea for his dog to have tags. Steve agreed, this was a new place and he didn't want Ramona to be lost and no one can find her. Steve took a step back looking at Ramona with her new collar and he must admit, she was a cutie. "Ok girl, let's try going outside again, we can go to the park that close to here, I feel like drawing today and sun will do us some good." Steve said putting on Ramona leash. Ramona was ready this time, she wanted to stretch her legs and explore.

When Steve and Ramona made their way to the front door of the building Ramona paused before looking to Steve for reassurance, Steve gladly gave it to her and Ramona took her first step out into the new world

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When Steve and Ramona made their way to the front door of the building Ramona paused before looking to Steve for reassurance, Steve gladly gave it to her and Ramona took her first step out into the new world. Ramona couldn't get enough of all the smells that she was smelling, she stoped at almost every tree and fire hydrant trying to gather all the information she can, Steve allowed her, taking their time to the park, Steve was also trying to take in everything. Every time he step out those doors something new happens. A motorcycle was riding pass and it's exhaust let out a banging noise, startling Ramona, she thought it was the same banging noise that meant danger and tried to pull Steve away. Steve quickly bend down trying to calm her down, "It's ok girl, it's ok, it was nothing don't worry." Steve said petting Ramona her head and rubbing her chest. Steve decided to take a seat at a coffee shop, Ramona was between his legs still weary about everything. Steve rub his face feeling guilt, maybe this wasn't a good idea, a waitress walked outside asking if Steve wanted anything. "No ma'am just resting here, we will be on our way soon." Steve said with a smile, petting Ramona who was calming down but still alert. "Come on girl, let's continue to the park." Steve said walking keeping a tight hold on Ramona leash incase something like that happen again. Ramona stayed close to Steve only occasionally sniffing other dogs but for the most part she mind her business.

The duo finally made it to the park, Steve found a secluded area then began to to doddle. Drawing always been Steve comfort,Ramona laid by his feet listening to everything that was happening at the park. She didn't remember the park ever being this busy, Ramona then spotted a little critter nearby and gave a wag of her tail and a small growl. Ramona then barked at the critter who just gave Ramona a look before continuing eating. Ramona couldn't believe the critter wasn't afraid of her! Ramona then stood up with tail wagging and barked at the critter. Steve was watching the whole thing with a smile, and was drawing the scene. "Leave it alone Ramona, even the critter evolved." Steve said laughing at Ramona who was trying to scare away the little animal. Ramona grumbled before laying back down still eyeing the smaller animal. A few people walked up to Steve giving him small talk, some even recognizing him and asking for autograph. Steve didn't mind, it was much better then people shooting at him and running for his life. Ramona even had some of her own fans, the war dog that was with the famous Howling Commandos. Steve was then ready for food, and decided to walk to a near by pizza cart. Steve and Ramona enjoyed their day, the continue to explore and experience the city that changed so much, Ramona was more comfortable but loud noise will send her back to war times, and Steve had to make sure she was always with him when that happen. "I think, it's time for us to go home now girl, maybe even find our own home, and speak with Nick about everything else, i'm ready for answers and I won't take no for an answer." Steve said with Ramona looking at him with her paw on his leg, truly she was just begging for the pizza Steve was chewing on. 

Steve and Ramona made their way back to the building that they were staying at, Nick met them by the door, no surprise the man seem to be everywhere, "Hello Captain, you had a good outing I hope, and I hope Ramona here was ok." Nick said looking at the war duo. Ramona growl at the strange man not trusting him, Steve quickly rub Ramona back calming her down, "Yes sir, it was nice, if you may i'm ready for that discussion." Steve said looking Nick in his eye. Nick nod his head in agreement, "Of course Captain, tomorrow I will tell you everything meet me down here at 0700 and we will take a ride." Nick said walking pass Steve and into his vehicle. Steve watch Nick drive off before letting out a breath, "Come on girl, let's get you some dinner, tomorrow will be a big day, I just know it." Steve said feeling ready for what was to come tomorrow. 

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