I Used to Love You...

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A/N: Hahahahaha yea sorry to that one person who I promised an update.... I'm in marching band and I had practice as soon as I got out of school to like... 10. So again, sorry.Oh well.. I'm going to keep it in Naruto's POV so enjoy.... PS-- might be a slight hint of KibaNaru and KakNaru... Not like extreme yaoi bet more like, "Naruto, I care for you and I don't want to see you get hurt. Anyone hurts you I'll kill them."

- when I was nine I walked up to pet a dog and the dog barked and chased me around my yard and took of my pants with his teeth. long story short my neighbors know what my butt looks like... -

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The feeling was terrible. It was like someone taking a shovel and scraping out my insides. I honestly wanted to get off the bed. The fluffiness made it even worse and it felt like I was drowning in it. Then I snapped out as soon as I felt someone touch my inner thigh. This time it was different. It was warm, like an actual person. But, I opened my eyes that I didn't know I had shut. The feeling wasn't from someone in that room. this was, Sasuke's touch. The warmth of his hand radiated throughout my body and it felt as if I would catch on fire.

My voice had settled again and I no longer spoke. I just watched the purple handprints on my body. Then, a sensation that was very well known. It felt as if the blood in my head dropped and went into my stomach. It was the feeling of wanting to throw up. My face turned as white as paper as I felt the blood rising. I clasped my hands over my mouth as blood solemnly dripped through the cracks. I gagged and coughed and that was all it took for Kakashi to help me.

He picked my light body up and sat on the bed where I once was. Then, with crossed legs, he placed me back down. My head fell onto his hard chest and I started to cry. I let my hands fall and blood splattered all over the sheets. Then something out of the ordinary occurred. The hands began to slowly fade. They disappeared leaving only my tan skin behind. Also, the blood stopped. The feeling of burning in my throat stopped and I actually felt the first slice of peace in the last month.

My head slowly hung low and I entrusted all of my weight onto Kakashi. "Naruto! Are you ok?!" Kakashi yelled. I didn't respond. I didn't want to. I wanted to drown in the deep dark place in which I was in. But, I felt that sensation again. The warmth of a touch. When I looked, it was pink, flushed from contact of the one I needed to hold me. "S-... Sasu...ke," I managed to push out. I need someone. I want someone. I want to lay across someone's lap and fall asleep there. Never to be woken again.

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I began to cry as the bed shook with me. My body shivered in desperation for touch. I raised my head and let my tears fall. I just let them fall, and I didn't care anymore. When I thought I could release all of my pain, the door opened. "Hey! What the hell happened to Naruto?! Who do I have to fucking kill?" Someone outbursts. Kiba Inuzuka. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. My tears fluttered throughout the air and his eyes widened. "Naruto!" He exclaimed, making his way over to me.

"Hey, Kakashi, you mind if I take over?" Kiba asked. Kakashi shrugged and said, "Fine by me." Kakashi slowly pushed me forward and helped me over to him. The cords connected to my wrist disconnected and all, with my tears still falling. I sat on his lap with my legs going to opposite of his. He stroked my head softly and searched for something to say. "Naruto, are you ok?" he asked me. I honestly wanted to say no. I wanted to bawl up into his lap and cry. I wanted to die at that moment.

"Yea. I'm fine, I think." I said, not wanting to worry him even more than I already had. I thought I was going to cry even more so I buried my head into his shoulder. I cried and didn't hold back. Then, I wanted to die even more. Waltzing in came Sai, Shikamaru, Gaara, Hinata, And Shino. They all gasped as I sat there, crying. I don't care. Not anymore at least.

"Someone... Kill... Me." I said, hoping someone took me seriously.

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Sorry it's so small but I forgot to post it and I am currently planing for AWA so I have to sew. A LOT. LOVE YA <3

u kno u wan dis update ==>

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