Days Passing

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It's been two weeks now since Naruto suddenly became a blood fountain. Sasuke and Kakashi had constantly gone out, searching for any kinds of clues on the problem. Naruto was still bedridden and didn't ever talk. He just stares out the window as if it's the most important thing in the world. "I'm back, Naruto." Sasuke said after walking into the room. He wore an Anbu uniform and was being followed by a Questioning Kakashi. Tsunade in the corner, carefully observing Naruto's actions. Sakura was changing the tube connected to Naruto's wrist, watching out for veins.

Naruto looked over but quickly asserted his attention back to the window. Sasuke sighed and grabbed a chair. He pulled himself up to the side of the bed an rested one elbow on it. Naruto flinched because of the weight just pushed into the bed. He looked to see who it was and sure enough, He turned back to the window. Sasuke shrugged and got up from his chair.

When Sasuke exited, he was caught off guard. A hand covered in black reached over and pinched a part of his neck. The world around him got fuzzy as he stared at the black figure. Everything around him swirled and confined into circles. A warm black cloth was pressed over his nose and mouth as he breathed. The smell of chloroform clogged his lungs as everything went black.

Kakashi heard a loud thump from outside the room, as he slammed the door open. Sasuke's anbu mask lay, broken and discarded to the floor. No trace of Sasuke being left behind. "Damn it" Kakashi muttered. "Kakashi, what is it?" Tsunade asked, standing up. "Nothing, Lady Tsunade." he responded. Tsunade turned an looked at Sakura and Naruto at the same time. "Sakura... I want you..-" Naruto was holding onto his neck lightly, making him wheeze over in pain. "Naruto! Naruto! Stop! Let go of your throat!" Tsunade screamed. Kakashi turned and saw the boy struggling to breathe. 

Kakashi walked up and bit the inside if his pointer finger, causing blood to drip from the injury. Kakashi drew a few symbols on his forehead and the boy lost all  consciousness. "Sorry, quick paralizing jutsu." Kakashi looked at the boy, realising the bright purple marks where his hands were. But, he was gripping hard enough to make bruises. "Lady Tsunade... I think I might know what this Jutsu is, who is doing it, and how to stop it." Kakashi said, nodding his head in assurance.

AGAIN IM SORRY GOMEN LIKE OMG AND ALSO ITS SO SHORT AND IM SORRY AGAIN YOUDONT KNOW HOW SORRY I AM. anyways, its 1:23 and im tired as fuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkk! im going to go to bed now and try to decide between a good ending or a bad ending. what do you guys think? tell me in the comments! AGAIN GOMEN

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