A Whole New World

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A Whole New World

It was a cold, cold day and a bitter chill hung in the mist over the small town. The gardens were cool and a little damp from the night dew, full of premature daylight, yet sky still overhead bled no vagrant colours just a thin grey substance of still solemnness. The air was thin and depressing on the frosty morn of Demi’s departure and as her alarm clock rang aloud, she opened her eyes to see her suitcase by her bedroom door fully packed with all her essentials. The young girl sat up eyes half closed and a slight bit of drool hung from her lower lip. Stumbling for a second, she quickly slapped the top of her clock shutting off the loud ringing noise allowing her ears to relax once more. She lie back down sinking into her bed getting ready to drift off once more into her dreams. Closing of the eyes, she breathed slowly through her nostrils wallowing in the peace of the early day. For a second or two it seemed as if the whole world was in perfect harmony.   

‘Demi! It is time to go now.’

Demi grunted and sat up angry and frustrated. Why on earth was this happening anyway? Demi thought to herself as she started to undress out of her pink silk pyjamas. It all seemed crazy to her, having to leave home for such a stupid reason. She was still young and it wasn’t as if she couldn’t handle whatever was to come it was just that this was her life, and always should be. Demi continued to talk to herself saying how retarded her parents were and how if she had more time the both of them would be walking on hot lava. But the fact of the matter was, she couldn’t do anything.

After staring into her mirror for a few seconds Demi flung open her door ready to show her parents how moody she could be. She had tried a few expressions while looking in the mirror but the best seemed to be the glare with arms crossed and then when someone would speak she would flick her head away and not look back until they were finished talking. It got the point across perfectly.

As the miserable girl descended down her staircase she pulled an angry expression upon her face then turned into her kitchen where her mother and father stood buttering some bread and filling up a water bottle which by the look of things would be used on the long trip down to the campsite. ‘So are you ready to go then Demi’ her mother said smiling at her daughter. ‘I hope that you’re fully packed’ her mother's smile was sinister and Demi hated the child-like tone she was using.

Demi ignored her mother and walked over to a cupboard in which she pulled out a box of bran flake cereal pouring it into a fancy bowl then topping it off with a slither of milk. Demi sighed as she remembered the old days when she had people working for her, to cook her meals and clean her room. However, lately her mother had decided that servants were unnecessary and so now Demi had to do everything herself.

It is such an effort

After completing her breakfast with a cherry on top Demi waked her meal over to the huge wooden table. The table was a beautiful dark oak colour with a varnish finish making it shine in the daylight. It was a rather humungous piece lying at 12 feet in length. Mr Harclay would sit at the head of the table and Demi and her mother would sit across each other around the middle. It was so big and open that no one would even chat at meal time. It was silent except for the loud chewing from her father.

After drinking the last bit of milk that lie in her bowl, Demi looked at her hand and realised something. The gauze that she had wrapped around her hand the night before was gone and she had no wound upon her hand. Was it all in her imagination? Did she not really punch through the wall? Well it would make sense but for some reason it felt so real. Demi rushed back up her stairs and ran into her room. There was no mark on the wall instead it looked even cleaner and perfect than the rest of the walls. Demi whined wishing that it did happen. It would have been so cool to have been that strong and amazing. To have that power at her fingertips she would be able to get whatever she wanted and tell her parents what’s what. 

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