Day 1 (Five Years Later) - Cuddles/Playful

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Hello, and we're back!

For anyone who's curious, I never really stopped shipping Grayza even after the end of the manga. I just can't stop shipping this cute ship. Wahahaha!

I read five years ago's first day, and sad to say, I was terribly unsatisfied. So here's me rewriting with a brand new storyline!

But anyway, let's begin the first day of this Five-Years-Later Grayza Week! CVSF and byeonaraaa~!


9:00 P.M.


"Erza, Truth or Dare?" Lucy asks Erza excitedly after spinning the bottle on the table. We're currently at this restaurant, eating with the reward money after a good ol' Team Natsu quest, and so far, the girls are starting to drink and become brutally honest.

I've always hated Truth or Dare. To be honest, I can play anything else, like Monopoly or UNO or even Never Have I Ever, but Truth or Dare is a no-no on the Fullbuster list, because the Fullbuster has no idea at all on which to choose.

"I choose the Truth," Erza says with confidence and a sly smirk.

"Well, how come you don't plan on, uh, having a boyfriend?" Lucy asks. "I mean, you have so much time in the world."

It's because Jellal is 26 probably. Erza has never felt more wrecked since then, because even though they were at the same age, the seven-year gap had taken a toll on their relationship. I mean, of course, no judging on the "age doesn't matter" thing, but Jellal's the only man she's ever loved anyway, and no one, not even the man who has been beside her for almost her entire life, will ever replace him.

You know, me. That sucks, by the way.

Erza's confident composure suddenly breaks as she actually slouches and becomes flustered. "Well, uhm, I don't really... no... rather... err... m-maybe it's because I'm not that interested?"

"Why are you asking us?" Natsu asks.

"No, no, I mean...," she mumbles until her words are gibberish, but I hang onto each one. "I just don't know anyone who isn't terrified of me."

"Ha!" I shout loudly. "So you're saying we're terrified of you?"

"You aren't?"

"Well, for all I know, I'm not," I say, trying to cheer her up if she's even sad about not having a love interest. "I mean, you hit me from time to time, but hey, why be terrified of someone as amazing as you are?"

Natsu suddenly laughs with a demonic flare gleaming from his eyes. "GRAY, TRUTH OR DARE?!"

"Sit down," Happy says, sweatdropping but you can easily see that he knows what Natsu's up to, and I feel like it's not good. But of course, it's going to be a Dare for me, because he'll most likely be asking me if I liked Erza if I chose Truth. Besides, no one can think of a good Dare for me, everyone's already seen me naked anyway.

"Dare," I say, crossing my arms.

His grin even widens as he stands up and laughs maniacally. "GRAY FULLBUSTER, I DARE YOU TO BE ERZA'S BOYFRIEND FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!"

"YOOOOO, WHAAAAAT?!" Lucy shouts beside him. I don't even have the time to speak, because everyone in the restaurant is as shocked as I am. Except Erza, she's even more shocked than I am.

"Damn, Truth!" I yell back at him.

"No takebacks!" Happy shouts before he and Natsu high-five and laugh.

I look at Erza, as red as her hair and frozen in her seat. I tell her, "Ha, look at these two idiots, Erza! They really think you'll agree to this joke."

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