Day number two ;) (chapter 4)

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This morning, I finally got a decent amount of sleep! Instead of waking up at 7 I woke up at 10 like Woah! I took a deep breath and managed to get myself out of bed. I suddenly realised that my date with Roger is tonight! I smile to myself.I quickly grab an oversized jumper and some shorts to put over my night shirt.
I round downstairs excited to see Roger.
I looked around the house but no one was in?
"Bri? Roger?deaky? Fred? Mary?" I shouted.
Then I heard a call back from the small barn next to the house.
"In here darling!" Freddie calls.
I smile and put on some slippers and walk to the barn.

When I got there, brian, Freddie John and Mary were eating breakfast around this little bar whilst roger was making it in the kitchen.
"Morning Eliza!!" Everyone shouts in sync.
"Morning!" I smile whilst rubbing my eyes.
Brian comes up to me and hugs me.
"You're up late aren't you lize?" Brian chuckled
"I think that's because I woke up at 7am yesterday" I said, laughing.
"Bacon and eggs?" Roger questioned giving me a wink.
"Yes please" I smile.
Brian rolls his eyes and sighs but laughs at the same time. Roger handed me my breakfast, a heart shaped piece of toast with a glass of orange juice. I smile at him.
"Why thank you Taylor" I laugh.
"You're very welcome" he says smiling.
As I'm eating, I'm still thinking about roger 'is it too soon? We haven't even gone on a date yet and he's hugging me from behind and giving heart shaped toast!' I think about this but then it quickly comes to my eyes that Roger is gone and everyone is arguing about what song should be on the B side of that bohemian rhapsody song. I walk up to Bri who's shouting at Freddie.
"Hey Bri, where's Rog?" I ask softly.
"Well Eliza, he's gone to go hide in his shitty little cupboard!" He exclaimed angrily.
"Cupboard?" I ask confused.
"Yes dear, when Rog is sad he likes to hide in cupboards" Freddie said rolling his eyes.
I was about to leave as deaky grabbed my arm.
"He's in the second to last cupboard in the storage room" he whispered.
"Thanks John" I reply smiling at him.
I go into the storage room looking for Roger.
"Roger?" I called out.
"He's not here" I heard a muffled call from the second to last cupboard.
I smile and walk over to the cupboard and sit on the other side of the oak wood.
"Roger what's wrong dear?" I asked.
"Nothing I'm fine" He sniffled
"No, Roger what's wrong?" I asked firmly
I heard roger sigh and I hear the other side of the cupboard unlock.
Roger got out staring into my eyes.
"They're all taking the piss out of my song! And they're all arguing with me about it!" He exclaimed upset.
"What's the song?" I wonder.
"It's called 'I'm in love with my car' but it's actually a good song but they just judge the title and assume 'it's not strong enough' like what does that even mean?!" He sighs and puts his head in his hands.
"Hey it's okay Rog, how do they know whether 'it's strong enough' if they haven't even heard it? And plus Brian is stuck up when it comes to writing music because he thinks he's the best at it" I laugh and pat Rogers back.
"Thank you Eliza" he laughed
"You're very welcome" I winked at him
There was a few moments of just looking into his eyes in silence. Suddenly, we felt ourselves leaning in for a kiss again. He cupped my face with his hands and we kissed. I run my fingers through his long blonde hair as he passionately kisses me. Our tongues dance around together like ballerinas. I pull away and smile at him.
"I think it's best you go with the boys and finish off that song don't you think?" I winked
"Yes, yes I shall go now" he laughed.
He left and I followed on.
"And don't forget our little date tonight" he said winking as I followed behind him to get back to the house as he went to the studio.
I went into my room to get changed out of my jumper and shorts. I pick out a nice outfit. A yellow belly top the light blue shorts I wore the day before. And the converses too. I brushed my hair and popped my sunglasses on and headed to the studio.
I walked in and went into the booth and saw everyone in there but roger. I sit down next to Mary and she giggles as she points her finger to roger by himself in the recording space singing at the top of his lungs! My eyes widened as I hear his voice go extremely high. I fell in love with his voice though, it was different I guess.
"GALILEO, GALILEO, GALILEO FIGAROOOO" he screamed doing some funny arm gestures as he did.
"Higher" Freddie stated.
"Who even is Galileo?" Roger asked confused
That made the whole booth burst out laughing.
"Jesus" roger sighed.
Freddie made him sing it over and over again to make sure he had the right pitch. He finally got there and everyone let a sigh of relief and started laughing.
"My nuts feel like their in my chest right now, are we done?" roger laughed.
"Wow!" I exclaimed laughing.
"Yes wow" roger flipped his hair.
They all did some more of the 'operatic section' for the rest of the day. When they reached the end of the section Freddie called out to say...
"I think that's enough for today! Well done my darlings! Especially you rog" he nudged roger laughing and Rog rolled his eyes whilst drinking some water.
Me and Mary got up from the booth and began to walk out with the boys. I catch up with roger. "Let me have a quick shower, then we can shoot off okay?" Roger stated and I nodded and smiled.
"What's going on?" Brian asked.
"Well I'm taking your pretty little sister out for dinner" roger chuckled.
"Jesus, don't be too late alright? Be back at around 9:00/9:30" he sighed
"Okey dokes" rog said scurrying off to the shower.
I do my makeup and get changed. I wear a yellow flowered blouse and red flared trousers with some red platformed sandals.
I walk out of my room grab my bag and walk downstairs.
"Wow! Can you guys believe she's my sister?!" Brian shouted.
"Brian shush" I laughed slapping his arm gently.
"You look very pretty" John stated nodding his head.
"Fabulous darling!" Freddie added
" thank you!" I said whilst hugging them.
"Yes, she's very beautiful" I hear a voice say from behind me.
It was Roger.
"Thank you Taylor" I said giving him a wink and a kiss on the cheek.
"Right, I guess we'll be shooting off then! See you at 9:30 guys!" Roger exclaimed.
"Byeeee!!! Have a nice time!!! BRING HER BACK AT 9:30 ROG!!!" We heard the rest of them call out.
We got out and shut the door behind us.
"Let's go shall we?" He said linking his arm to mine.
I nodded in a agreement.

Omg so that was a long one aha. what do you guys think so far Hm? I think it's bad lmao but I am trying so yano don't come at me aha

Ridge farm 1975~ a Roger Taylor fan fic, roger Taylor  x OC!Where stories live. Discover now