Watching the boys record (chapter 3)

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As Bri took us in, i looked around to examine the scenery. The studio looked very old but very stunning at the same time. There was a huge amount of space just outside the booth so performers could have the space they needed.
There was the most gorgeous crystal chandelier hanging just above that wide recording space. I gazed intensely at what was around me but was snapped out of it by the sound of Freddie's voice.
"Come dear, take a seat next to Mary my darling" He pointed at a seat next to his girlfriend Mary. We got a long very well. She was such a nice girl and we were very close friends.
Freddie lead him and the boys into the recording space and they started practicing a piece called 'bohemian rhapsody' me and Mary were completely in awe at the uniqueness of the song. We danced away to their takes causing the band to let out little giggles whilst playing. Whenever I looked through the glass to get a glimpse of the band, I'd catch Roger just gazing at me with a little soft smile on his face. Whenever they were playing he'd always look at me and blow teeny kisses at me which made me blush. Roger really liked me and I really liked him. Maybe things might work out hey?

They finally got to the guitar solo for bohemian Rhapsody and they got Brian to record it by himself whilst everyone watched. I stood right at the front of the booth so I could see my big brother giving the best he could give. I was so proud seeing him do that! After Bri did his solo, Freddie decided to call it a day and have dinner.
"Well done darlings! Fabulous work, let's call it a day shall we?" We all nodded our heads. "Let's have some dinner then, I'm starving mate!" Roger said patting his belly.
Bri offered to cook and so he did. As we waited for dinner, we all watched the small tv in the living room. There was a big sofa at the back of the living room where me, roger and Freddie were sat. As we were all laughing at the tv, I feel my hand being gently squeezed by another. I look at and of course it's Roger. I look at him in the eyes and blush. I see a small smile spread across his flawless face.
"Liza, I really like you. You make me feel some kind of way, it's so hard to explain!" Roger exclaimed biting his lip.
I thought to myself, 'I've just met the guy and he's doing all this? It's all happening to fast!' But I ignore my thoughts and proceed to look in his deep blue eyes. I slowly felt myself lean in forwards for a kiss and saw roger doing the same. Just as our lips were just centimetres away from each other's....
WATCHA! the living room door swings open.
"DINNER'S READY BITCHES!" Brian screams with a proud look on his face.
"Wooooooo!!" Everyone cheers.
I sigh and Roger and I make our way into the dining room.
Brian cooked a delicious meal. Grilled chicken, a lovely dressed salad and a few buttery new potatoes on the side. (But Bri had a salad because he's vegetarian yanooo)
We had all finished within half an hour!
"Thanks Bri!" Everyone shouted.
We all make our way into the living room for some more tv. I sit where I was before with roger and Fred once again. I snuggle up into Rogers neck and doze off without realising! I was so tired from all that dancing Mary and I did earlier! The next thing I new, my arms were swung round my brothers neck as he carried me up the stairs into bed. I wake up as he slowly puts me down and kisses me on the forehead. I jump up and hug him. I'm so proud of him! I then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth when I felt two arms slip round my waist from behind. Once again, it was Roger. He held me for a few seconds whilst I held his arms. I turn around to face him and give him a small peck on the cheek. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"Night Rog" i said softly.
"Goodnight lize" He whispered with a smile
We all dispersed to our rooms and that was day one at rockfield studios/ ridge farm

Heyyyy, so I decided to do one more before I went to sleep because I literally cannot sleep and I'm bored so yaaa

Ridge farm 1975~ a Roger Taylor fan fic, roger Taylor  x OC!Where stories live. Discover now