Tonys hospital room

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Steve was leaning against the door way looking at tony when Natasha walked over.

"Aren't you going to go in?"

"I'm scared?"


"I know it sounds funny. I just, I told him I loved him and I'm scared he's gonna be the usual tony stark."

Natasha said, "He loves you Steve," then smiled before pushing Steve into the room.


Steve went and sat down in the chair next to Tony's bed. tony started to wake up to find Steve sitting looking through his phone.

Tony said, "You said you wouldn't come back. why are you here?"

"Natasha called me while I was on an assignment and told me what happened. I was worried."

"Well you shouldn't be. I'm fine."

Steve stood up, "wow, even when your life hangs in the balance you still refuse to talk about your feeling. No wonder everyone leaves you," Steve took a few steps away from tony, "you push them away just like you pushed pepper and now me."

"How dare you," tony sat up.

"How dare me!? You pushed pepper away. It's not her fault."

"You don't think I tried to get her back."

"You didn't try hard enough. You let her leave you. You let her go. I can see your fine so now I am going,"Tony got out of the hospital bed and started to go after Steve.

"Steve!" Steve turned around to find tony on his knees in the hallway, "please," tony looked down, "don't go."

"Tell me why. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just leave."

Steve saw Tony had tears in his eyes when he looked up, "because I love you." Steve walked over then got on his knees in front of tony," what did you say?"

"I love you."

Steve kissed tony as he helped him off the ground and into Steve's arms. When the two broke the kiss Steve said, "you came back to me," before kissing tony once more.

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