This Night

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"This Night" by Billy Joel is the perfect song for this chapter!

"You're just now going on your first date with him?" Rain questioned. 

Since Blue wanted to make their new band a family, they worked hard to maintain good relationships with everyone. This morning was supposed to be about getting to know more about Rain, checking in with her, and making sure she was settling into the new band life healthily. It was important to make sure everyone in the band was always doing good and feeling energized and mentally sane for performances.

Blue decided to take Rain out to a restaurant near the school and talked more about her familial life. Out of all the new band mates, Rain was the easiest to talk to since she overshared everything and didn't have much to hide. It was easier to keep a conversation rolling with her. Unfortunately for Blue, their conversation went from family, to Andrew, and how he was in love with Luke to everything that happened between them and Andrew.

"How long have the two of you been together for?"

"Well, we're not exactly dating. I'm still trying to figure out my own feelings after all...that."

"No, that makes sense," she nodded. "I'd do the same if I were in your shoes."

"Yeah, well, I think I'm beginning to actually fall in love him," they admitted, a giddy smile creeping on their lips.

"Ooh," she exclaimed, earning a few stares from the restaurant patrons' eyes. Blue covered their face, embarassed yet still unable to quit smiling. "Mate, that is awesome. Are you going to ask to make things official tonight?"

"I'm scared to. What if he's still in love with Luke? Then what am I supposed to do? Willingly break my heart? Nu-uh."

Rain groaned. "Come on, buddy," she encouraged. "You deserve to find love. People think you don't have the choice to fall in love with someone, but you do. You're allowing your heart to open up and be vulnerable to a person, so there is no reason why you can't shut it, too. You should be with someone you know isn't potentially in love with someone else."

"Thank you," Blue sighed in relief.

"Mhm. So have do you know that he's still in love with Luke?"

"I don't."


"But he was in love with him for ten years," Blue stated. "How could he suddenly get over my brother in just the snap of a finger because he realized he was in love with me?"

"You said he said he was beginning to love you after he tutored you. Did you notice any of those changes in him? Like tender moments, stolen glances? You know, the romantic bullshit kind?"

Blue could recall his attitude slowly changing towards them as he tutored them. Andrew's disinterest in them slowly went away as each session progressed, and he was soon talking normally with them, sitting closer to them, relaxing around them. 

"Maybe the kiss wasn't just to shut me up," the pondered. "He was beginning to love me, and he used shutting me up as an excuse to kiss me, because he knew right then that he was beginning to love me. Maybe his liking for my brother went down as his for me went up. That explains why he wasn't crying until after I did."

"See, he loves you. He tells you, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

Rain groaned.

"What if he does love me while a small part of him still loves Luke? I mean, as microscopic as it is, a part of me still loves my ex Hayden. A part of me is waiting for him to come back. I may be beginning to fall for someone else, but shouldn't we wait until we're both one hundred percent committed to one another?"

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