ch 18

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CH. 18

“Cassandra what are you doing here” Sage asked

“You knew what she was?” Marcus asked

Sage spoke softly, “Yeah, she’s the one that killed Martha, and saved me”

It was quiet for a while, “Oh, ok well we need to talk, Alex you and everyone else just go someplace, Sage you me and Cassandra is going to chat” Marcus ordered but not sounding angry or anything

“I’ll be close” Alex whispered so only she could hear and kissed her on the head before disappearing with everyone else following

Her and Cassandra followed Marcus into the dining room and sat down.

“Ok Cassandra how did you get turned, because the last I saw you, you was dead” Marcus stated

Cassandra only looked at Sage when she talked, “I take it your Marcus?”


“Ok, well I don’t know much all I know is that I was going to get something for Mr. P that was my owner, and then someone grabbed me from behind and said that when I wake to tell Marcus that you have to get Sage away from here before the final act comes”

Sage turned toward Marcus, “Final act?”

“I don’t know, but what she said about someone warning us, that mean someone on Cam’s side isn’t on Cam’s side anymore” Marcus explained to Sage before turning back to Cassandra, “Did you see anything that could tell us who it was?”

She shook her head, “Sorry, he had a really soft smooth voice though and he wore black but that’s all I saw before a sharp pain came in my neck and passed out”

“You sure are ok with this it seems” Sage announced

Cassandra smiled without the fangs, “I am, when I first woke I wanted blood yes but what was weird was that it wasn’t human I was wanting it was meat blood, so the first place I went was to the butchers and got some”

“Wait so if you didn’t want human than something is different about you being turned” Marcus stood and went out of the room

Sage looked at him confused as he made his way to his office.

“So I smell someone on you” Cassandra said getting Sage’s attention when she did Cassandra winked and smiled causing Sage to blush red and duck her head. Cassandra just laughed, “Well are you lucky”

Just then Marcus walked back in with an open book in his hands and reading it. He sat back down and then looked up, “Oh I know who turned you” he announced.

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