Pentatonix and Sea Life

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Mrs Euler went to die in a fire but Mr. Lehman stabbed her and Loki is Larko however Larko is secretly Indiana Jones. He saves Mr. Lehman from Mrs Eulers affections. Mr lanning came back from the dead and got cholera but Larko gave him the cure. Now mr lanning is a baby Larko and lectures them all on the French Revolution. Then Pentatonix came and doz died from a heart attack due to fangirling too hard. Then mini Larko went to Mrs kempe's grave and ate her body then pentatonix came and played the Avengers kazoo theme. Mrs Bernard ate Mr. Lanning. Then Mrs Bernard turned into a squid because of eating Mr. Lanning and then got eaten by a blue whale. The blue whale was Mrs Callie. 

The Adventures of Mr Lanning Being Eaten, Cholera and Smoked HamWhere stories live. Discover now