Forgiveness | CHAPTER SEVEN

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Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
The bird nodded and suddenly it contracted into a small ball of fire. I grabbed it and saw an arrow coming straight at me. As if it was reflex, I swung my hand around, a path of fire shooting at the wooden arrows, turning them to ash.

"May! Over here!" Drew called out.

I looked to my right, he had made an exit by freezing the walls and smashing it. I nodded and ran after him.

"Quickly!" I yelled. "Block the exit!"

He quickly froze the exit we had made and the two of us made it out into the forest. Huffing heavily, we dropped to the ground and tried to catch our breath. Once I caught mine, I looked at angrily at him.

"Care to explain?!" I growled.

He looked at me and sighed. "You already know everything. What's there to explain?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "What the hell! You didn't think of telling me about that sooner?"

"I didn't tell you for a reason!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah!" I yelled back, "And what reason was that?!"

He was about to reply angrily but stopped himself by biting his tongue. I groaned angrily, glaring at him.

"Seriously?! Just tell me-"

"-I didn't tell you because I didn't want you getting mixed up in this... crap!" He yelled angrily.

I stopped. "So now you're worried about me?" I growled.

"See! This is why I never tell you things! All you do is get mad!"

"Well maybe if you were just honest in the first place, I wouldn't have to get mad! I've apologised countless times, and yet I've never heard an apology come out of your stupid mouth!"

He glared at me. "You want an apology? You want me to be honest? All right then! I'll be honest and apologise! I knew that you were under a damn spell or whatever that day. But I didn't know why. So I spent my entire damn month trying to avoid you so I could figure out what was happening. All I needed was for you to stay away; for you to keep your nose out of my business. But no! You strut down like nothing happened!"

I looked at him, jaw dropped.

"You wanted to know why I've been ignoring you? It's because I don't want you to get into any goddamn trouble!" He ranted. "I've been ignoring you so that you wouldn't get yourself hurt, but now look what's happened! You're mixed up in this mess too! So I'm sorry if you don't want me looking out for you, but I don't want you to get hurt and what I think matters as well!"

He groaned and clutched his head, "I knew I shouldn't have gone to Petalburg with Brianna that day. If I just stayed then she wouldn't have had to go undercover for me, then she wouldn't be dead, and we wouldn't be in this mess right now."

I sighed. I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Look, you can regret all you want but that won't change what's already happened. We need to focus on the future. Whether you like it or not, we're in this together. Alright?"

He chuckled. "Since when were you the type to say inspirational speeches?"

I shrugged. "I'm not. So, where are we headed now?"

He looked up at me. "Back to town. We need to get more resources."

I nodded.

"To town it is then."

A/N: Finally you little craps.

Now kiss already.

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