Our Arrival

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We arrive in town, me riding with my mom in her truck, following the Winchester Impala.

Sam and Dean hold their cell phones out of their windows, apparently looking for reception. It looks as though they can't find any, so that must mean this is the place.

Dean starts to pull over to the curb, gesturing for us to pull up next to them.

"'Place seem a little empty to you?" My mom asks Dean.

"We're gonna go check out the PD, you guys stay here, see if you can find anybody." Dean tells us, with a slight of fear apparent on his face.

"Okay." Ellen replies.

After the boys leave, mom pulls up a bit further to park next to the curb. We both climb out of the truck, into the cold, previously rain filled air.

Castiel doesn't get out of the back seat, so I lean over, knock on the door and jokingly say "Ever heard of a door handle?"

I take a step back to find Castiel behind me, surprising me.

"Of course I have." He says, in a tone more serious than usual.

He looks around, his eyes locking on a dozen spots, probably more.

"What is it Cas?" Mom asks.

"This town's not empty." Castiel says. "There're Reapers."

"Reapers?" Ellen asks, putting emphasis on the s. "As in more than one?"

His eyes lock on another dozen spots. "They only gather like this in times of great catastrophe. Chicago Fire, San Francisco Quake. Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here."

Castiel walks away, leaving us, looking around as if surrounded by those things; Reapers.

Mom and I go ahead and search the area for people.

Castiel POV

Reapers. Everywhere. I walk down the street seeing more and more Reapers as I go. I look over to one of the buildings and see one specifically looking at me, unlike any of the others.

He turns around and steps away from the second story window.

I hurry inside, and look at where the Reaper just was. I turn around to find a dark hallway, and I walk down it, looking to find the Reaper so I could possibly question him.

"Hello brother." I hear a voice say, just before the bright light.



Back in the truck, mom and I pull up next to the Winchesters.

"Station's empty." Dean states, annoyed.

"So's everything else." I add on.

"Have you seen Cas?" Ellen asks.

"What? He was with you." Sam replies, confused.

"Nope, he went after the reapers." Ellen tells them.

"Reapers?" Dean raises his brows in question.

"He saw Reapers? Where?" Sam asks.

"Well, kind of...Everywhere." I tell him.

Castiel POV

I look around to find I am in an old, unfamiliar building. Possibly partially underground. Somehow there is a circle of holy fire surrounding me.

I finish looking around to find someone standing in the room with me, but outside of the circle.

"Lucifer." I say, fear trembling through me.

"So I take it you're here with the Winchesters?" He asks, pacing around the circle.

"I came alone." I attempt to lie.

"Loyalty. Hm. Such a nice quality to see in this day and age." He pauses. "Castiel. Right?"

I can tell he is trying to toy with me, making small talk. I nod.

"Castiel, I'm told you came here in an automobile."


"What was that like?" Lucifer scrunches his nose in superior disgust.

"Um. Slow." I silently pray to God, asking for his aid, for Him to help me have the bravery to get through this. "Confining." I say, with a bit more confidence.

"What a peculiar thing you are."


"What's wrong with your vessel?" I ask.

"Yes, uh. He's wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid. He can't contain me forever, so." Lucifer says in a disdainful tone.

"You." I accuse, angry that he would dare disrespect a willing human vessel like that.

More silence as we stare each other down.

"You. Are not taking. Sam Winchester." I tell him. "I won't let you."

"Castiel. I don't understand why you're fighting me." He puts emphasis on the word 'Me'. "Of all the angels."

"You really have to ask?"

"I rebelled, I was cast out. You rebelled, you were cast out. Almost all of heaven wants to see me dead, and if they succeed, guess what? You're their new public enemy number one. We're on the same side, like it or not. So, why not just serve your own best interests, which in this case just happen to be mine." Lucifer tries to reason with me.

"I'll die first." I tell him with as much confidence as I can muster.

More glaring.

"I suppose you will."

He walks away, leaving me behind in the circle of burning holy oil.

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