The Gate

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  • Dedicated to Eric Kripke

It's a little chilly out here. But that doesn't matter because I'm on a job. Wearing this little, exposing black dress ain't helping either, but it's necessary for what I'm doing. I walk up to the right of a giant metal gate quickly, trying to look frazzled, and I press the button on the intercom and wait for a response. A second later, I hear a beep, then a gruff man says "Hello."

"Hello, my car broke down. I need some help." I speak into the intercom, sounding worried and scared.

"I'll be down in a minute." The man replies, slightly kinder than before.

I look around as a wait, holding my arms as if I were freezing and panicked. I hear a click then a squeak as the large, metal gates open to the driveway. I step forward and meet two men in suits, one blonde and one brunette, obviously security guards. The blonde one steps closer and says "Evenin' pretty lady. Get yourself 'on in here."

"I just need to make a call." I tell him.

"You don't need to call anyone, baby. We're the only help you're ever gonna need."

"You know what? I think I should wait by my car." I turn and start to walk away, when the blonde man reaches out and grabs my shoulder tight.

"We said..." His eyes flash black. "Get your ass in here."

Oh now I'm pissed.

I whip around, hitting his arm away with my right arm, and punching him in his shoulder with my left fist, knocking him down.

The brunette guy only takes one step forward before Sam appears from behind him, stabbing the demon's neck with a cursed knife, killing him. Sam then moves onto the fallen blondie, stabbing him too, light flashing from his neck where Sam stuck the knife.

"Nice work, Jo." Dean tells me, handing me a duffle bag, from which I pull out wire cutters.

"Thanks. Okay, shall we?" I ask hurriedly.


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