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This is a fortune telling game from Japan and it is required for you to go to a crossroads.

~~~How it works~~~

•You will need a comb, something to cover your face with, and you will need to go to a crossroads.

•You take your comb and face covering to the intersection, brushing your finger along the teeth of the comb three times.

•You chant while you brush the comb “Tsuji Ura, Tsuji Ura, grant me a true response.”

•You then wait at the intersection for a stranger to come along You must cover your face with the face cover and ask the stranger to give you your fortune.

•If you don’t get a response, you will have to wait for the next stranger to arrive.

•Be aware of who approaches you because it’s said that a restless spirit may appear.

~~~How to end the game~~~

Simply leave the crossroads. Also make sure to be aware of your surroundings if you are alone because criminals may be at the crossroads.

~~~Game Rules~~~

•Be polite, do not demand an answer when the stranger arrives.

•If the person passing by is someone you know then the ritual has failed and you will have to stop the game.

•When talking to the stranger do NOT uncover your face.

•If the stranger does not want to answer your question don’t force them to and let them leave. If they do talk to you listen carefully and thank them for their time and let them go. Do not uncover your face until they have left.

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