Three Kings

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Everyone is familiar with the childhood sleepover favorite Bloody Mary. You go into a darkened bathroom and whisper her name three times into the mirror, where the horrible phantom will appear and attempt to drag you off into the darkness.

Bloody Mary is a classic, but there’s plenty of scary games that have been updated for the internet generation of paranormal thrill-seekers, all you have to do is look at the popularity of viral sensations like the Charlie Charlie Challengewhich to this day still has many terrified parents convinced that it’s an authentic way to communicate with the other side. But what if it was?

A new, intricate spirit summoning ritual has swept the internet, and the results have been so terrifying that those who choose to attempt the complicated steps often come back so terrified that they vow to never repeat the ritual again. Are you brave enough to call on the Three Kings?

There’s a very good chance you’ve never even heard of the Three Kings Ritual (not to be confused with the Mardi Gras Voodoo ritual of the same name); no one had heard of it until 2013, when redditor FableForge took to the r/nosleep subreddit to post a thread about the fabled Three Kings Ritual rules under the title “Please don’t actually try this”. FableForge then went on to explain that what he was sharing was a “relatively safe way in which you can access the Shadowside”.

“I won’t tell you that you shouldn’t be afraid of the Shadowside; chances are you’ve already seen it after all, and merely think it was just a “recurring dream”. I will tell you there is no need to be ignorantly afraid of it, though. There is a difference. Ignorance fuels fear and fear can give that place a lot of juice to run on. You have to be big on preparation if you want to try this.” – FableForge 

The rules are very specific, and the ingredients and setup are equally important in order for the ‘game’ to go off successfully, though not once in the post does FableForge actually tell the reader what exactly will happen if the ritual is successful. That has been tasked to the countless people who have conducted the ritual over the past three years and lived to tell the terrifying tale.

Here’s how to try Three Kings yourself. You’ll need: 

·A very large empty and quiet room, preferably without windows. If windows exist, you need to be able to cover them and ensure total darkness. Basements usually work well, if they’re roomy enough.

·A pack of candles (you’ll only use 1, if all goes well), and a lighter.

·A bucket of water and a mug.

·A fan.

·Two large mirrors (like the one on your dresser. Don’t worry, they won’t be harmed. Or if they are, it’d be the least of your concerns).

·Three chairs.

·An alarm clock.

·An active cell phone (don’t forget to charge the goddamn battery!)

·A loved one willing to follow rules and go along with all this madness.

·A small toy or dear object from your childhood.

And here’s how you’ll set up the ritual/game space:

·Start setup at around 11 PM. Place one chair in the center of the room, facing north (this is important). Place the other two chairs exactly to the left and right, facing your throne. The distance between your throne and that of your queen and fool should be about the length of your arm to each side, more or less.

·Place the two large mirrors on the queen and fool chairs left and right of you, facing you (and each other). Try your best to have them stand at a 90 degree angle (or else you may get more or less than three kings). If you sit on your throne facing straight ahead (north), you should be able to perceive your own reflection in each of the two mirrors without actually having to turn your head nor your eyes to do so. If you see your own reflection in the cornerof your eye, just barely there, then you’ve done it right.

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