Chapter 4

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Brodie's POV

I was walking back to my house quickly on my phone because Jordan called me. As I was crossing the road I wasn't paying attention and heard a loud long honk. And that was it.

Emma's POV

And then it happened.

I loud honk and a crashing noise. I sprinted over to him and collapsed beside him already on the phone with 911. The ambulance is on it's way as both my mom and Dani, my twin comes rushing out along with Brodie's family.

Once the ambulance got here only his mom and brother and sister could go with him. My mom had to drive me and Dani, considering my brothers are at a friends house.

We got there and I sprint to the front desk. "Brodie Scot?" I ask. "Sorry he cannot have any visitors right now." "well can you tell me his room number?" "Room 202." The lady said. "Thank you." I quickly said before sprinting to his room. I get there and the door is closed and Ryle and Zennin were sitting in the chairs outside his room. I slid down the wall beside his door and cried and cried and cried.

About an hour of crying a doctor came out. "Brodie's family?" The doctor asked. We all nodded. "well he's in a coma. we don't know how long he will be in it but until then you can visit him.

I let Ryle and Zennin go first so I can go in by myself. they came out about 10 later and went home with her mom. Now its my turn.

I walk in and see I lifeless body laying in the bed. Only his chest is moving up and down. I pull up a chair and sit beside him. I think of all the memories and then it hit me.

I like like Brodie.

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