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When I woke up in a tangle of blankets Nicolás had found packed away somewhere the night before, with the boy himself wrapped around me in every way possible, naked, I knew I had to get out of there quickly.

Detaching my legs from his and easing myself off his steadily rising and falling chest, I scanned the room for my underwear and dress. Finding each thing on another side of the room, I hurriedly raced to retrieve them all, and threw them on.

I felt guilty leaving Nicolás to wake up by himself on the floor, but I had to get out of there and back to my place before my grandma woke up. I didn't want to have to explain to her that I'd just had rough and wild sex with the owner of the pool and her best friend's son.

I slipped out of the sliding doors and into the early morning sun.

"Buenos días," Sofía said, startling me.

"Oh, hi Sofía," I greeted, not really sure how I was going to get out of this. She'd definitely seen me walk out of her restaurant and if she went in there, she'd see Nico sleeping on the floor. It wouldn't take a genius to work out what had happened last night. "I was just giving back a glass I left out here last night," I said, mentally patting myself on the back for that excuse.

"Ah," she said. I really hoped she bought it. "Is Nico awake yet?"

"I'm not sure," I asked, feigning confusion. "Doesn't he usually live with you?"

"There's a room for him behind the restaurant," she told me. Of course he had his own room and we'd had sex on a table. I almost wanted to roll my eyes at him. "He's usually up by now, cleaning the pool."

"I haven't seen him," I lied through my teeth. "Are you alright?" I asked, desperate for a subject change. "You seem stressed."

"I had to go to my sister's house last night," she told me and I wanted to sigh in relief that she took up the conversation change.

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Her bathroom flooded," she said with a smile. "Nothing too exciting, but I struggle with my sister sometimes. She's a lot of work."

"I can relate to that," I admitted.

"Anyway," she said, waving her hand. "Enough about me. How was the party? Did you have fun?"

I grinned. Safe territory. "Yeah, it was good. I met some of Nicolás' friends and spent most of the night with them."

"That's nice. Any boys take your fancy?" She asked with a wink.

Over her shoulder, I saw the door move and Nicolás step out. Thankfully, he was now dressed, but oddly that didn't make him any less attractive as he stared at me.

I tore my gaze from his. "I mean, Carlos is quite nice," I said, trying to come off flippant, but Sofía mistook my blushing, on the account of her son, as for Carlos.

"How nice!" She said with a grin and a wink. "Maybe Nico will help set something up for you two." She turned slightly and saw him by the supply shed now. "Ah, Nico?" She motioned him over. Him standing so close, reminding me of the previous night was making my legs feel like jelly. "You'll organise something for Carlos and Julie, no?"

His eyes were unwavering as they stared into mine.

"Por supuesto," (of course), he said. "Can I borrow Julie for a second, mama?"

"Yes, yes of course," she said, picking up the bags she had previously put down. "You work something out with Carlos. And tell me how it goes!"

"Carlos?" He asked with a raised brow when Sofía had disappeared inside the restaurant. "Really?"

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