When You Have Periods (Hyung Line)

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Requested by bu-inJeon 💜💜

Situation : You are with them and forget to bring your pads/ran out of it and unfortunately it started today.


Today Seokjin was home and it was a lazy Sunday. Yet, you felt like crap since you woke up. You felt like eating pizza with coke and cuddling with Jin all day and were straight forward about it to him, which you usually don't.

As soon as Jin brought the pizzas, he called you, "Jagi pizza or cuddles first?"

You were about to answer when you felt cramps. "Shit..." you muttered. "Oppa, I'll go to the washroom and be right back." you said hoping that it's anything but your periods. You had run out of pads last month and forgot to buy them!

As soon as you lock the door behind you, you quickly remove your slacks to see red stains on your underwear. "Damn..." you curse inside.

"Jagi every thing alright?" Jin calls from outside because you were not right back like you had said.

Your cheeks flushed pink as you got embarrassed and hesitantly asked him. "Oppa can you do me a huge favour?"


"Its that time of the month and I've run out of pads. Please buy some from the store." you plead totally embarrassed.

He chuckled and then you heard shuffling footsteps indicating that he's gone.


Jin slipped you the pack of pads as you opened the door slightly. After you changed and were done, you walk out looking at Jin sitting on the edge of your shared bed and smiling at you. You again for very embarrassed and averted your gaze away. He got up and held you in his arms. "Jagi no need to be so embarrassed from me. OK? I'm your boyfriend soon-to-be-husband after all." he chuckled and kissed you and you giggled too and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Maybe you're right oppa~"


You had gone to attend Suga's concert. After it was over, you were sitting in the waiting room waiting for your boyfriend to come. It took too long and you were getting impatient. How weird? You felt uneasy but shrugged it off just when Suga came, but instead of jumping into his arms you kinda lashed out. "What took you so long!? I've been waiting for hours!!!" you had only waited for 15 minutes.

He cocked his eyebrows at you. "Are you having periods?"

That came as a realization to you. Periods. Worst – You did not have your pads over here. "Shit..." you muttered.

He smirked and plopped on the couch beside you. "So Y/N, let me guess you forgot to bring your pads?" he said cockily.

You had an oh-lord-save-me look on your face as you looked at your boyfriend with pleading eyes almost saying, Please Yoongi bring me pads! But then before you started speaking, he said, "I'm not going to buy your pads." and crossed his arms and closed his eyes as leaned back to rest his head on the cushion of the couch.

"Yoongi please!! You don't want my blue jeans to get all red!?" you whined.

"Who cares? People will think it's new jeans." he said, smirking, eyes still closed.

"Yoongi I'm not joking!!!" you wailed like a kid.

He sprang up letting out a huge sigh. "Girls..." he muttered before calling a female staff and asking her to bring some pads for you.

"THANK YOU YOONGS!!" you say cheekily. Once he comes over and sits again, you whisper. "This enables me to carry your baby in the future."

He turned bright red after that.


This guy is straight forward pervy. So things happened like – you were at his house when your periods started and you had no pads.

"Y/N you'll look sexy with red stains." he giggled.

"Shut up Joonie!! Please bring me pads!" you cried.

"Okay okay lol." he laughed as he went to grab his coat and then out.


"Here" he said giving you the pads.

"Thanks Joons!" you blushed and rushed to the washroom to change.

Later you came with Namjoon staring with narrow eyes at you.

"What?" you asked casually.

"You later owe me something." he said.

"What do you want?" you knew what he wanted but played it innocent.

He kissed you -passionately- and licked his lips. He left you a blushing mess. You yourself could not wait for your periods to stop. 😁😁


A complete freak. He was freaking out more than you. Thing was... You both had gone for a vacation to Goa in India. You both longed for this break, but you sorta forgot that your periods was going to start and did not bring any pads. Now you guys were on the beach and that was shen you realized an tingly feeling down there as you realized. Your periods.

"Hobi..." you said with terrorised voice. Your face turned blue.

"Yeah?" he was playing in the water. "What happened?? Did you hurt yourself!?"

"No... I..." you trailed sinking more in the waters.

"What!!" he freaked out.

"My periods started and I don't have pads." you stated, embarrassed.

"Now what?? What should we do!? Is it going go harm you!? What about the fishes in the ocean–" he was freaking out when you stopped him. "Hobi stop! No the fishes don't have any danger and I am not okay."

"Oh my god!! You are not–" you placed a hand on his mouth. "Shh just do me a favour will you?" he nodded.

"Buy me some pads from the nearest store." you said.

(Time Skip brought to you by Let's kill this love it's sad but true, let's kill this love before it kills you too!)

Later he brought some pads and you changed in the women's toilet. BTW, your beach vacation did not go crap because it was your second last day 😜

A/N : So I've decided to divide it into two parts. Hyung line and Maknae line. So here is the first part! Hope you like it!
I'll be back with the second part soon ~♡

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