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Wanda glances to Pietro as they climb out of the car as they parked at the school, he holds out his hand towards her and she takes it.

"Today will be better" he whispers to her, pressing his head to the side of hers. She nods and they both turn to head into school when Alice bounces up to them, Pietro pushes Wanda behind him instinctively and sets himself in a defensive position.

"Hi!" she cheers at them with a huge smile on her face. Pietro smiles a little.

"Hello" Wanda peaks out from behind Pietro.

"Wanda" Alice greets, Wanda smiles back.

"Alice" Alice smiles, Pietro lets up a little on the defense and lets Wanda move back to his side. Wanda looks over Alice's head to where Jasper lingers, away from them. "Jasper" Wanda offers him a smile and he smiles back at her, inclining his head a little in greeting, Alice looks to Jasper and raises an eyebrow. Jasper just shrugs slightly back.

"What can we do for you, Alice?" Pietro asks taking Wanda's hand in his.

"Well we know you two have art first period.....and so do we....want to go together?" Alice asks, Pietro glances to Wanda who shrugs and cocks her head.

"Okay" she answers, Alice's smile widens, if at all possible. Alice bounces to Pietro's other side as they start towards the school entrance. Jasper waits for them and then drops into step beside Wanda, careful of the distance between them, his hands clasped behind his back, clenched tightly together.

"So..." Alice starts. "How was your first day?"

"Almost end of the year" Wanda states. "We knew it would be difficult" she shrugs. "Plus being foreign outsiders"

"We were the same" Jasper starts, Wanda looks to him. "About two and...what?" he looks to Alice. "Six months?" Alice nods. "We moved from Alaska" Wanda laughs and Jasper smiles at her.

"That is not foreign outsider" she points out with a smirk. "Alaska" she scoffs, playfully. Pietro smirks down at Alice.

"Amerikanci" Pietro scoffs, Wanda laughs and bumps her head into Pietro's shoulder.

"Mock us in a language we can't understand" Alice teases. "Nice" Pietro wink at the girl and smirks.

"Like you couldn't get that one word" Alice shrugs as he smiles at her. "I scoffed...Americans" Jasper smirks as Wanda smiles at him. He moves ahead to open the classroom door and allows Wanda to walk in first, she thanks him softly as Alice follows her, a big fat smug look on her face, Jasper rolls his eyes as he and Pietro follow.


"That's pretty good" Wands states behind Jasper, he looks up at her and smiles. She smirks. "Though my nose is bigger" she states pointing to his drawing, Jasper, would blush if he could, he hadn't even heard her behind him.

"I urm...."

"It's okay," she tells him. "You draw what you see" she turns her own sketch pad around, he laughs and she shrugs. "I'm a terrible artist" he holds out his hand for the sketch pad and she hands it over.

"Stick people" she shrugs as he flips through the rest of her drawings before raising an eyebrow at her.

"It's what you call...Ice breaker" he smiles at her. "You seemed....tense" he shrugs and hands her pad back.

"And you are actually talented" she smiles. "Tense, huh?" he asks, she nods. "I'm not really into clustered groups" he looks around the room, it is one of the bigger classes, his family thought it would do him good to be around humans more.

"I feel the same" she sighs, Jasper glances to her. "It's louder" she offers in way of an explanation, he feels there is more to it than just louder, but he can understand what she means. He looks to her sketchbook as he turns a page.

"Is this Sokovia?" he asks holding it up to her, she nods and smiles a little. "Do you draw your home much?" he flicks through a few pages.

"Only when I am homesick," she tells him sitting down in the space next to him. He glances to her and she smirks. "So...yes" he smiles back at her. She pulls a foot onto the chair and wraps her arms around it. "You're not exactly from here, right? Or Alaska?" he raises an eyebrow. "Your accent...it's Southern right?" he nods.

"I'm surprised you caught it"

"Cause I am not from America?" he nods, she shrugs. "We have movies" he smiles at her. "I always found the Southern accent rather charming" she smirks. "When I was younger...I assumed that was just how all American's spoke" he laughs and Alice looks over at them. "Laugh it up" she nudges him, he nudges her back, a little too hard, nearly knocking her off her chair, he grabs her arm pulling her back.

"Wanda..I'm so sorry" she just laughs it off.

"It's okay" she touches his arm as she smiles, and Jasper feels himself calming, he blinks and frowns at her hand, a small wisp of red mist receding into her hand, she pulls it back and looks away. She grabs her sketchbook and escapes, moving back towards Pietro who looks up at her from his own work, he frowns but holds out his arm for her. Alice drops next to Jasper and raises an eyebrow.

"Tell me you saw that" he looks to her, Alice shakes her head. Jasper sighs, frustrated. "She touched me" Alice smirks. "And I felt....calm....and there was this mist"

"Jaz" She rubs his back.

"I nudged her, and she nearly fell over.....I told you I would just hurt her" he tells Alice.

"Jaz, the worst that would have happened is that she would have fallen off her chair"

"This time"

"You are getting wound up" Alice looks to Wanda and Pietro. "Do I need to get Wanda back over?" he shoots Alice an unamused look. "Lighten up, Jaz, you laughed" Alice points out. "I haven't heard you laugh in years"

"I could have hurt her"

"But you didn't.......you just need to remember that you're stronger than her......"

"Geez, thanks" Alice smiles.

"Ask Emmett for advice"

"Why?" Jasper raises an eyebrow.

"Those video game controllers of his, they are actually really fragile, he knows how to hold them without breaking them, how much pressure to use and not to....ask him..." she stands just as the bell rings. Jasper follows taking his sketchbook with him, Alice walks at his side. "Or Carlisle....the delicate work he does as a doctor..." Jasper nods. "I know you, Jaz, I know you can do this" she smiles at him as she opens her locker. "Wanda is good for you" Jasper sighs.

"But I am not good for her" Alice gives him a look as she takes his book from him.

"You cannot hate yourself forever, Jasper" she shuts her locker and walks away, Jasper sighs.

"I can try" she shoots him a look over her shoulder.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now