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jaebum and jinyoung spend the morning cuddling bambam as all three of them were heartbroken about not seeing each other for nearly a week.

they left at the last possible minute for the schedule to go well for jinyoung and jaebum.

bambam, with his little dinosaur backpack on his back, held both of his dad's hands as they walked up to the door.

"i love you, piggy, we'll be home in no time," jinyoung assured, kneeling down in front of bambam. he kissed bambam's cheeks before standing up so jaebum could do the same.

contrary to what they believed, bambam was okay after an hour long cry and a nap. mark and jackson were very sweet even though they, of course, weren't the same as jinyoung and jaebum.

bambam had his favorite blanket, his piggy plush, and his favorite plush which was a funshine carebear he had had since he was a baby. he needed him to sleep and jaebum had had a heart attack when they nearly forgot it.

"mak and jackson, read story at bedtime?" bambam asked softly, clutching his funshine bear in his tiny arms.

"of course we read bedtime stories. once yugyeom is out of his bath we will all go into his room and read." jackson picked bambam up from under his arms and held him while mark went to make sure yugyeom was still doing okay. "your pajamas are really cute, bambam."

"tank chu. this funshine."

"i see. you know what? yugyeom has a grumpy bear so when we go read, you two can cuddle your bears. and tomorrow, if you want, we can all watch the carebears movie."

bambam wiggled around excitedly and jumped in jackson's arms. mark called the two boys up. he was still drying yugyeom's hair when the two got to the room.

"yuggie, grab your grumpy bear so you and bambam can match." yugyeom happily grabbed his grump bear plush and sat next to bambam.

youngjae, who suddenly felt left out, quickly ran to his own room to grab coco from where she was laying on his bed. he sat on the other side of bambam, the three lining up with their backs against yugyeom's headboard.

mark put the blanket over them because it was a bit cold as he got ready to also listen to what jackson was going to choose to read for the night. the night before, mark had read so it was jackson's turn since they switched every night.

jackson grabbed the disney story book collection that they had bought when youngjae was born. youngjae loved bambi while yugyeom loved lady and the tramp.

"bambam, what's your favorite disney story?" jackson asked small boy who was snuggled between his two sons.

"like little mer-mermaid," bambam told him, beginning to look around. mark noticed that bambam seemed to be getting more upset as he looked around more frantically. "piggy and blankey."

mark, hoping to avoid a fit, got up and found bambam's backpack with said things in them. he got there in time, handing him the pig and wrapping him in his blanket.

before the story was even half done, the three boys were asleep. bambam had leaned forward, using his plushies like a pillow, and had yugyeom and youngjae on either of his shoulders.

all three of them received kisses heads before they were carried to their own beds. jackson moves yugyeom so he was laying down, making sure his grumpy bear was near by. mark took bambam to the guest room that he got all to himself until he didn't like it but they didn't think it would be a problem. he had his funshine bear in his right arm and his pig in his left while he blanket sat on top of the other blankets over him.

youngjae was put in his own bed by jackson who chucked at how he was obviously completely out despite usually staying up later than yugyeom as he had a later bedtime.

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