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I laid there by myself still in pain I most of the move the wrong way cause my Side started to bleed again I didn't know where I was nor did I see Jenny. I called my sister terry over she walked up to me I told her to go and find Michael I had to get the bullet out my leg and I didn't want my sister to see it. I sit there in the sand on a cover she did as I told her. I went to go find Michael as Jenny told me too. I was running in the sand I felt free and alive we finally had our freedom we were away from James town was the best thing ever. I saw blood in the sand I followed it till I came up to a young man he was laying there maybe he's dead I thought I pick up a stick and started to poke it him. Ouch, that hurt I drop the stick and screamed he looked at me and smiled like the pain in his body went away. You must be Michael, my sister, Jenny told me to find you but you can't walk like this you still hurt. I ran around looking for something I push him till I found a wagon I came back I help in. How old are you kid said, Michael? I'm 7 I told him Michael felt heavy but I pull the wagon to my sister. She cleans Michael wounds and smiled. I looked at Jenny and said you don't wanna be with me I might have HIV AIDS. She laughed and grabbed my hands saying those girls do have it but I don't think you got it. I stared at Jenny as she kissed my lips did she not cared what I just said to her? She smiled and said we gonna find you doctor Michael. I looked around and scream OMG I know this place!

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