Start and Stop

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Start and Stop

Blinking and mocking

The page seemingly frozen blank

Hauntingly white

Taunting my imagination

Firmly pressing the keys

I make my attempt

Grimacing and shaking my head no

I delete

Blinking and mocking

Unable to form

The story I see in my mind's eye

Unable to imagine

Crafting it with ease

I start then stop

Reading and dreaming

So simple

So easy

So why not give it a try

Marvel at those

Younger in years

Although wiser in skill

Than I may ever be

Forming with ease

Pictures into words

Causing emotions

I could only dream

Of creating inside others

Marvel at those

Creating passion and fear

Laughter and tears

Figments of imagination

Laid out for everyone to experience

A bitter laugh

A blank mind

So easy to dream up

Too hard to express

I start only to stop.


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