School Life Hacks

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tip #47

School Life Hacks

-don't know what to wear? one day after school, try on a whole bunch of outfit combinations and take pictures of them. when you don't know what to wear look at those photos for inspiration!

-waking up late due to your phone alarm not being loud enough? put your phone in a plastic cups before you go to bed so your alarm will be 2x each

-need to remember something? write it on a sticky note and take a picture of the sticky notes and set it as your lock screen so you wont forget

-have a deodorant stain on your shirt due to rushing? fold your shirt in half on the stain and rub it together and it'll disappear.

-need to spell check your essay? copy & paste it in google translate, read it out loud, so you can find your mistakes easily!

-if you're gonna wear a comfy outfit to school the next day (and its literally so comfy that you can sleep in it) then sleep in it! it'll save time!

-pack your stuff the night before! if you're in a rush the next morning you may forget to pack your notebooks lying around or even your lunch!

-instead of setting multiple alarms in the morning, set two five minutes apart. don't fall asleep after the first alarm goes off, just close your eyes or go on your phone. knowing that you only set 2 alarms you'll wake up knowing that if you miss the second one there's no going back.


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