How to: Make Friends

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tip #15

How to: Make friends-

Introduce Yourself: Say hi to the person sitting next to you, sit with the person alone at lunch. Ask the girl on the bus to hangout sometime. You can never meet someone new if you don't talk to them, after all.


Be Yourself: Don't fake being someone you're not. Wear your style, be yourself because different is way better. If the person doesn't like you for who you are, its not worth trying to be their friend. "Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


Smile: Smiling and eye contact show the person you are interested in them. This always shows that you can care too. Also, smiling shows you are nice and a kind person to be around.


Believe In You: Think that the person you are trying to be friends with needs a friend too. So don't be shy and be nice. You are amazing. Remember that.


Talk to them Often: Even if you don't see them very much, talk to them and find interest things to do together so you can be close. You can never become good friends with someone if you don't talk to them often.

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