eight: history*

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*WARNING: smut

You used to always have vivid dreams when you were little, whether they be about you getting killed or traveling through space and time. They continued throughout your life, slowly becoming less and less common as you grew up. But they always happened when you least expected it. Some nights you have dreamless sleep. Some nights, you would have flashbacks and wake up to evaluate what you had achieved. Tonight, your brain offered you one of those memories.

In this one, you were in a dark room, a single thick blanket covering you as you curled into a ball on the mattress. You instantly recognized that this was a memory from college. The soft sheets reminded you of the comfort of your dorm. The blanket rustled and you opened your eyes slightly to find Yunho slipping into bed next to you. When he saw you had woken up, he paused for a moment. He laid on his back next to you, eyes closing shut. He began drifting off into sleep, letting his body adjust under the blanket unconsciously. His body slowly wrapped around yours.

Yunho frequently slept in your bed in order to avoid his roommates. But rarely did he ever cuddle up next to you. Your cheeks blushed as you shifted to lay on your back under him. His head adjusted so it was in the crook of your neck, soft breaths escaping his lips. Yunho let out a small groan and pushed his face further into your neck. His breath was warm and his lips grazed your skin every time he breathed. Your mind raced, but you quickly disregarded the thoughts, sucking in a sharp breath. But unfortunately for you, it had been just loud enough to wake Yunho. He slowly opened his eyes and began to evaluate the scene. He pulled away from you and you couldn't help but notice how his cheek turned slightly pink.

"Sorry." He said quietly. He avoided eye contact as he shifted farther away from you on the bed.

You had known Yunho for only a year at that point, but you two had grown very close. He was one of your best friends and would do anything to make sure you were ok. You sometimes felt a flutter in your heart that you didn't get with your other guy friends. He was special to you. But at some points you noticed yourself getting jealous when other girls had subtly tried to flirt with him. You couldn't tell if you were just being protective or if you actually felt something for him.

"Is something wrong?" his voice was soft. You hadn't realized that you were staring at him. 'Since when was he so pretty?' You caught yourself thinking. You drew back at the thought, hoping to avoid feeling that type of way towards him. But that little tinge in your heart started to get the better of you. Again, your brain wandered. 'Since when did he look so kissable?' And you started to let yourself think freely about those feelings.

You couldn't deny that he was attractive and as much as you didn't want that to lead to you catching feelings, you did wonder if you could take another step. But today you felt quite needy. Seeing Yunho's soft features, you really wanted to get something out of this. So you moved closer to him and placed your lips on his.

Yunho drew back slightly at first but leaned back into the kiss. The kiss began soft, sweet. Getting to know his lips felt against your own was something you  never thought would come to fruition. You pulled away from him for a second. You weren't completely sure if he was actually ok with what you had done. But before you could get a clear view of his expression he placed a hand on your waist and connected your lips again.

He moved up so his torso was on top of you. The kiss became more passionate, his tongue brushing against your lip, asking for permission. You let him in while he moved so he was in between your legs.

His lips made their way down your neck, stopping to gently kiss your collarbone. Your breath quickened as he continued to suck different places on your neck. You tugged at his shirt and he moved so you could lift the shirt off of his torso.

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