four: vicious

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He turned the doorknob slowly and peered inside. He then leaned further in and turned to you with a shocked expression. "He's not here." you felt a weight being lifted from your shoulders. Yunho had hyped Wooyoung up so much that you were honestly afraid to meet him. Yunho shrugged and started turning towards you. "He's probably out for the day so we can go back downstairs--" He froze and stared at something behind you. He grabbed your wrist and quickly pulled you behind him. You peered around the side of his arm only to see a male with light purple hair and strong features. He glared at you with deep brown eyes and a smirk appeared across his lips.

"Yunho," the man almost sang. "What are you hiding behind your back?" He then made a few steps closer to you both before you could feel Yunho tense up. He took a few more steps towards you before Yunho shot him a look. The male stopped and raised his hands as a sign of surrender. Yunho then moved slightly to the side to reveal you standing behind him.

"Wooyoung," Yunho tried to maintain his composure but you could see the other male had a bit more dominance. "This is Y/N. She's going to be working in the house." The male, now knowing his name was Wooyoung, let out a toothy grin as he stared at you once more.

"Aah, really?" Wooyoung replied, his gaze still focused on you. "I hope she has a lot of stamina." He turned to Yunho before walking towards you two. He walked on the other side of Yunho before forcefully pushing Yunho's shoulder. "You know how important it is to have a girl with a lot of stamina." He got a few inches past Yunho before coming up close to your ear and laying a hand on your waist.

"Come to my room at 2 am sharp. Or else." He whispered into your ear. The way his voice sounded made your cheeks heat up. He smirked before slightly squeezing your hip and walking into his room. He didn't seem as bad as Yunho made him out to be, or maybe his sweet voice had you in a trance. There was something about the way he looked and the way he talked that pulled you towards him.

But before you could think too much longer about him, Yunho grabbed your wrist and quickly lead you down the stairs. Once you got to the living room he grabbed your shoulders and looked at you with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"What did he tell you?" Yunho questioned, though it sounded as though he was demanding you to tell him. You looked up at him with shock.

"Nothing," You knew it would be better if Yunho didn't know that Wooyoung wanted to be alone with you. Yunho furrowed his brows. "He just complimented me, that's all." You thought it would be better to lie than to have Yunho nag you more. Yunho still wasn't backing down until he had all the details.

"What exactly did he say, Y/N?" He squeezed your shoulders a bit harder. You panicked as you quickly thought of a random compliment.

"He said I had a nice ass." You tried to keep a straight face so Yunho wouldn't catch on. Yunho let go of your shoulders and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and first finger. He let out an annoyed sigh.

"He's such a prick," Yunho mumbled under his breath. He lowered his hand and looked at you with a forced smile. "Well, anyways, you should wait here until the others get back."

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