Chapter 14

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Kiera is hardly annoyed when Revokers attack and she’s too far away to help. Her mind is stuck on other things, stuck in an endless circle. Despite knowing Romy is a tough fighter, Kiera can’t help worry that something bad will happen. Then again, the Alcrests land wasn’t exactly safe either.

Kiera growls, dropping her head towards the snow.

Patrol rolled by so slowly, dragging on and on and on. Chase had tried to lighten the mood with jokes and playful nips, nuzzling up to Kiera until he was nipped at a few times too many for his liking, and only then did he quit and just keep running. She didn’t know if she liked the privacy or not.

The mind numbing circles of patrol eventually end and Kiera’s finally allowed wonder home.

She doesn’t hurry despite worrying that Romy will be leaving shortly, or worse still, had already left. She doesn’t know if she can face Romilda. It was one thing for her friend to be rebellious, but another thing to be completely wayward and plain stupid. Never would Kiera dare challenge Jordan like the other girl had. Jordan is the Alpha for a reason; and it wasn’t because he was a push over.

Chase cocks his head at Kiera. Concern flashes across his human eyes, at odds with his animal face and propped wolf ears. From anyone else Kiera would have bristled at the invasion of privacy. From Chase it is nothing but plain curiosity.  

She huffs, a thin white cloud spreading away from her nose.

A grey pokes at her jaw, provoking a nip from the moody, darker wolf. Chase pulls away, but Kiera hardly cares. Talking wasn’t going to help the sick feeling rolling in her stomach, or the dread filling her brain with gory, horrifying detail of everything that could go wrong for her friend. She can’t think about that, won’t think about it.

Much to Kiera’s delight Chase doesn’t push his concern the rest of the way to her house. His silent form stays a comfortable step away, a ghost beside her.

Kiera’s paws are numb as she steps onto the cold, wooden porch. Snow dusts the dull coloured timber, imprints of shoes and paws left in the powder creeping towards the door.

Kiera stops, looking at her charcoal paw. She lifts her paw back, balancing easily on three legs as she looks at the two replicating shapes. Two prints, one the right way up with an old upside down print next to the new mark. She doesn’t know if both prints are her own, and it shouldn’t matter-it’s just two paw prints, but suddenly, it does matter.

Kiera’s head snaps up, her gaze locking onto Hunter through the frosted window.

Chase barks in question as Kiera suddenly spins around, leaping into the snow at full sprint. White ice puffs into the air after her, leaving a trail of over turned powder in the wolf’s wake.

Seeing Hunter had clicked a haunting memory in Kiera. Only a few nights ago, he had nearly died, and all she could think about was how she should have said something, anything so he knew she loved him. Kiera didn’t say it much, she knew.

She can’t let Romy leave without at least a good bye.

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