Chapter 3

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“Hey, honey!” Bree calls as Kiera thumps into her the house, stomping the snow off her boots. “You better not be getting snow inside!”

“I’m not” Kiera calls, kicking her boots into the corner. She nudges the clumps of ice out the door with her socked feet. Unlike Romy’s house, Kiera’s had no sweet smell of cooking, or lemon disinfectant hanging in the air and fresh food lining the shelves. Kiera house is less spotless, but wasn’t quiet messy, it just leaned towards it heavily. Boots are sprawled in the doorway, the counter is covered in open butter containers, several used knives and a fair share of cups. Kiera finds the sight almost welcoming though.

The heat inside, however she doesn’t enjoy so much. It’s smothering

Bree glances up from the couch and drops the book onto her chest. Dark hair falls out of the bun tied behind her head, shivering like snakes. “How was it? Get who you wanted?”

Kiera perches on the edge of the coffee table and almost sends a stack of novels to the floor. “I got a coward” she huffs. The sharp anger has dulled to a little annoying throb by now.

“Who?” Bree sits up, absently rubbing her shoulder. In nothing more than a singlet and shorts, the pink scar that Bree bore is visible. It stretches from her right shoulder blade all the way her above her left breast. Bree had required the scar from a fight against Revokers, and after nearly being beheaded, she is unable to fight now. Three ribs had been broken in that fight, along with her hip shattered.

Kiera hadn’t been alive than, but her diseased sister Casey was. “Chase.”

“Don’t worry, baby girl. Your father was a coward too” Bree laughs.

Kiera might have laughed if she wasn’t so annoyed. “Yeah, you’re so believable,” Kiera leans back, successfully knocking a coffee cup and remote off the table. Kiera’s mum was the biggest wimp when she was young, or so everyone said-even Bree admitted it one night when she had too much wine. Kiera couldn’t imagine it though. She stares at the roof, wishing somehow she could make the Alcrest’s change their minds. She couldn’t live with Chase whimpering every time she glared-she’d end up killing him. That’s why Kiera got along with Cody and Romy, neither flinched; if anything Romy only invoked more glares.

But Kiera could handle being annoyed. Submissions made her want to throttle someone until they either fought back or….well, they are unable to fight. Either worked.

“Honey?” Bree asks softly, knowing the look that crossed her daughters face. So many times she’s seen the look on Adrian. He would make it when he was annoyed and/or deep in thought. Sometimes he made it just because it made Bree laugh.

Kiera sits forward, digging her elbows into her knees. “I just…I don’t want him. I want someone who I can consider an equal, not….” Kiera clenches her hands. Words fall into scrambled heaps inside her head, and her emotions tangle themselves together. She doesn’t know where to start, how to explain her conundrum. “I just feel like…it’s just so…I don’t know…”

Bree swinger her body around to face Kiera. “Just give him a chance, not everyone can be brave. If everyone was, there wouldn’t be anyone who was weak. It’s not always easy to be on the receiving end of someone more dominate. God knows I wouldn’t have had the guts to walk up to your father first. In fact, I tucked tail and ran every time I saw him. If he hadn’t dragged me into his house and forced me to sit we would never have gotten together.”

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