A lot of situations that people come to me about

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1. You're one of those people who hate their lives.

- Guess what? We all do at a point and time in our lives, and when people say get over it, they're not helping. When people say that things will get better, you're waiting for it to happen, and when your sick of waiting you give up. Don't.

+ Stop waiting for things to get better and just let it happen when it does. You'll never know when things were better until your at your worst because when they were good you never knew it.

2. You want to live but you keep hurting yourself.

- Wanting to live and trying to live are two different things. You can want to live but not try. You can go on and say okay, I'm not going to hurt myself and be happy and the next day you hurt yourself. Why? Because your not trying to stay alive. You want people to worrry about you because it makes you feel as if someone actually cares about you.

+ Talk to someone. I can understand if your the type that doesn't want others knowing your buisness, if your the type that doesn't want to be jugded or you think you don't need help. You're wong. Only tell people who you trust and if you don't trust anybody, write it out. The people who judge you for your problems are the wrong ones and there is someone out there just like you who you can talk to. You need help no matter what you say. Wanting to die and hurting yourself is in no way healthy and telling yourself that its okay is not helping.

3. Your being abused in any way.

- Blaming it on yourself is wrong. Blaming anybody is wrong period. It is in no way your fault, so don't say that it is. It's only your fault if your the one doing the damage. Holding it in and not telling anyone because of not wanting to be judged or helped is only going to let you continue to be abused. Saying that its okay to be abused and that the person or persons who are doing it, do it because they love you is wrong.

+ There are many centers and organizations that can help you, only if you want it. No one can force you to die from abuse, you give up on your own. They can kill you, but at least you died trying to live. Someone out there cares, trust me and if you can't find that person soon enough, I'm here. Abuse is not love. Never say that it is, because the person who is doing it is doing it for their own selfish reasons and ways. My best advice is runaway and get help.

4. You've been raped or molested.

- You say that its your fault because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You had done something to make that person want to violate you. You think that its because your fat and ungly etc.  It was a prank, your getting bullied, or sexuality.

+ Its not your fault in anyway. There are just sick people out in the world and you were just an unlucky victim of their ways. Closing yourself off, starving yourself, or cleaning till you bleed is what we sometimes do to erase the memories, but they're not right. Talk to someone about it, because if you don't and store it away, it will haunt you for the rest of your life. Get help. I know that most people hate pity and help, but you just have to find someone who can help you without hurting you worse.

5. Major Depression

- You hurt yourself because you want a physical pain to distract you from internal pain. You build up a wall not because you don't want to get hurt, but because you want someone to knock that wall down, to break you down, so that you have more of an excuse to be depressed all of the time. You keep things in and pretend that everything is okay, so that you can just go home and cry when youur alone. You tell your self that you're better off alone so that when you finally die, no one will be hurt in the process and results.

+ All I can say is that things will eventually settle out, but only if you want them too. When your alone, it makes you feel worse. Others around you have fun and are happy, and you get jealous because you wonder why can't that be me. Depression won't go away like magic; you have to try for happyness. Open up  to people and make friends who make you happy, you'll never be happy if you make friends with people who are just like you. There's not only one type of depression, there are many and this may not work for others. Show yourself and stop hiding, because once you've been doing it for so long, you forget who you really are behind that mask.

I'm no pro and I'm not calling anyone out. I'm just going from experience and I want to help you all even if its not possible. All of you are meant to live, you were born for a reason. Life isn't fair or easy, but in the end its worth it.

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