Can I just Ugh

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Don't you hate it when you've finally recovered from a giant mountain in your life and then out of nowhere someone comes back into your life and you're back going through the same shit.

I don't even know why I let it get to me. I try my hardest not to let it get to me but it always does.

Ugh I don't even know. I've gone through like a whole pack and a half of cigs and like every HIM song and still feel like complete crap.

I don't understand why I still have friends because I'm possibly the most boring and irrelevant person on earth. I'm a shitty friend and I suck at keeping promises.

Now that I've finally figured myself out, I've realized how much of a terrible person I am.

This isn't some rant about how much I hate myself because I really don't care if people like me or not. Shit I wouldn't pick me either if you asked me.

This is just another one of my random moody rants that people seem to like reading.

Honestly I just wish I could completely start over with my life though I'd leave in some bad and good things. Because without those bad things I wouldn't have met certain good things.

I'll probably delete this later but oh well. I hate it when pieces of my past show up in my future with all of the pain along.

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