what would it be like?

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Okay so I was reading a book and it was all, "What would the world be like without Harry Potter" and that really got me thinking. I mean, Harry Potter was my first fandom. I really don't remember what I was like before I had read it. And then, that got me thinking that I can't go back and read them for the first time again. No more suspense, no more "Sirius is a killer!". And then, that got me thinking that it's the exact same way with life. You can't go back. No do overs. And even though I hate this word, YOLO. So do what you want as long as it doesn't do harm to others, because you only live once and I'm sure that you don't want to be remembered as that person who gave a random six year old a broken arm. With that being said, I'm gonna write a terrible DW fanfiction because YOLO, right?


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