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  ALL THE GODS STOOD BEFORE the remaining competitors.

"Welcome to the fifth and final trial," Amun said, looking at the two remaining competitors. "You two have fought a good fight and have made it this far. However, only one of you can return to the land of the living. Now, your hearts shall be weighed against the feather of Ma'at. If the scale tips in favour your heart, you have lost. If the scale remains balanced or tips in favour of Ma'at's feather, which is highly unlikely, you have won."

"Omar, you shall go first," Ma'at said, gesturing for him to take a step forward.

She placed a hand onto his chest, fingers trailing downwards until they settled beneath his left pectoral. Without warning, she shoved her hand into his chest and tugged his beating hurt out.

Omar stumbled backwards, rasping sounds escaping his parted lips. He reached for his chest, watching in disbelief as the goddess placed it on the pan.

Anticipation filled the room as both pans bobbed up and down. The movement ceased, Ma'at's feather slightly above his heart. Very slowly, the feather weighed down, evening the scales. Ma'at smiled at Omar and returned the heart to his chest.

"Zaina," Amun called out, gesturing her over with his hand.

Omar sent her an encouraging smile, one she ignored.

Zaina took a step forward smiling sharply as Anubis' eyes widened at her appearance. She was certain she looked different, Mido had said she looked like a goddess of vengeance. She kept her eyes trained on him, not flinching as Ma'at reached in and pulled out her heart.

 Zaina knew the result already and so paid no attention to the scales. She knew her heart was tainted by hate and it was dark, just like the dress she wore.

Thus, Amun's words came as no surprise to her. 

"Congratulations Omar Almasi, you have earned your life back."

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