chapter eleven

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The thunder roars and the heavy rain pelting down on my windshield is almost deafening. Pulled over on the shoulder of the road, I slam my fist repeatedly against my steering wheel.


Why is this my life?

Why of all nights did my tire have to pop during a storm?

I was on my way home from a party when I felt my car jerk and make an awful noise. I knew right then my tire popped. As soon as I pulled over, little rain drops stated to fall from the sky. In a matter of minutes, it started pouring to where I can hardly see anything in front of me.

With shaky hands, I manage to grab my cell phone, wanting to Google some sort of tow truck company to come get me, but I have no internet access.

You have got to be kidding me.

Trying to take in some deep breaths, I scroll through my contacts. I could call Angela, but she's probably stuck in this storm too. Scrolling down further, I hesitate, my thumb hovering over a particular name.

Even though I haven't talked to him in a week, Nathan's really my only other option. For some reason, I think he'll understand and be willing to help me out. And as much as I don't want to admit it, I think just hearing his voice will help me calm down.

Gaining enough courage, I finally tap his name and bring the phone up to my ear. I can hardly hear the phone ringing with how hard the rain is hitting my windshield, but his voice carries through the phone clear as day.


"Nathan." I try to strain my voice to sound as normal as possible, but fail. It undoubtedly wavers.

"Stella? What's wrong? Where are you?" I can hear worry in his voice and shuffling in the background.

"M-my car." I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "My tire popped. I have no Wi-Fi, and I was wondering if you could find me a number to a towing company, please? I'm sorry for bothering you so late."

"You are not bothering me. Just hold on, I'm coming to get you," I hear more shuffling on the line and what I can only assume to be Lauren's voice in the background.


"Stella, I'm not letting you sit in this storm all by yourself," he says, resolute.

"Nathan, no! It's awful out here. I can't even see five feet in front of me. No. Just please stay inside." I beg.

"No, Stella. I can't just let you stay out there after everything you told me. Now, tell me where you are or else I'll drive around aimlessly in this storm until I find you." I hear him grab keys.

"Nathan, it's too dangerous out here!" I say, pleading for him to stay home.

"Stella," he says sternly. "Don't make me do this the hard way."

"Fine," I whimper, telling him my location. "Just, please, be careful."

"I will," he promises. "I'm going to stay on the line with you."

After what should have been a twenty minute drive, an hour later I spot Nathan's headlights behind me.

I immediately bolt out of the car and he does the same, meeting me in the middle, pulling me into a tight hug. We're both drenched from the rain within seconds.

"Are you ok?" He yells over the sound of the rain.

I just nod my head against his shoulder, feeling safe now. But I still can't help but jump when I hear a rumble of thunder.

"Get in the car!" Nathan ushers me into his car before jumping into the driver's seat.

We sit in the car for a while, just listening to the rain beat down against the windshield.

"Thank you," I whisper, and for a moment I think he might not have heard me until he reaches over and grabs my hand. "I never intended for you to come and get me."

"I know. But, you should have known I would." He gives me a small smile, rain droplets falling from his hair and down his face.

An hour later, we make it back to his house safely. Despite a small protest, my apartment would probably take us another hour in this storm to get to. As much as I don't want to stay at his house, I don't want to put our lives in jeopardy either.

Walking in to his house soaking wet, Lauren is more than surprised and annoyed. "What the hell is going on?"

"Stella's tire popped and I had to go help her. She's going to be staying in the guest bedroom tonight," he says, shrugging off his rain jacket and hanging it up on the coat rack.

Looking around, their house is very different than my apartment. It's very high class with dark green walls and dark furniture. You can tell Lauren decorated. Everything screamed expensive and designer. I think I'd be scared to even sit on their couch because of how lavish it looked.

"Come on, Stella, let's get you some dry clothes." Nathan ushers me up the stairs and Lauren glares at me like I'm a drowned rat.

He lends me a pair of his sweat pants and the hoodie he gave me on the plane, making my heart swell even more for him tonight. When we both change and dry off, we walk back downstairs and he throws our wet clothes in the dryer.

Walking into the living room, Lauren is sitting on the couch with her arms crossed, obviously pissed. "I'm going to bed," she says, voice curt. "Nathan." She looks at him expectantly, wanting him to follow her lead.

He looks between us as if he's conflicted.

"Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted myself," I say, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

All of us go upstairs and he shows me to the guest bedroom. Laying in the luxurious bed, I feel uneasy and definitely unwelcome. I can hear their bickering from down the hall in their bedroom.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I roll out of the bed and go to open the door to listen. I can't make out every word, their door muffling their words, but I can hear bits and pieces.

"Why the hell did you have to bring her here?" I hear Lauren whine.

"What do you want me to do, Laur? Leave her stranded on the side of the road?" He asks annoyed.

"What is up with you?" She snaps. "Why are you still hanging around with her? We're engaged. I already booked another party planner for our wedding."

"What are you talking about? She's my friend."

"Wait. You mean to tell me you two haven't been talking about and planning our engagement every time I see you two at the coffee shop?"


"Oh, that's rich!" She sarcastically spits. "So you and Jolene have been getting cozy in the coffee shop all this time!"

"Jolene?" Nathan asks confused. "Did you just reference her as a character from a Dolly Parton song?"

"Well, if the shoe fits," Lauren says, no doubt referring to my auburn hair and the fact that I've been hanging around Nathan so much.

"You are unbelievable," he says incredulously.

"What about that mark on your arm, huh?" She challenges. "Does that mean anything to you?"

"Did you seriously just ask me that?" He asks angrily.

They start arguing again, but I just shut my door, unable to listen to anymore. I know I'm unwelcome here.

Looking out the window, the rain has died down significantly. I bet I can call a cab to come pick me up now that the storm is ending.

Sneaking out of the room and down the stairs, I go to their laundry room and quickly grab my clothes out of the dryer, slipping them on. I neatly fold Nathans clothes he let me borrow and sneak out the front door, locking it back up behind me, to go to my cab.

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