chapter ten

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For the next few days I avoided Nathan like the plague. In fact, I haven't even left my apartment since telling him goodbye. I didn't have the energy or the heart to go out and possibly have to face him again.

What the hell Stella?

Why am I so torn up by some guy that I knew I couldn't have? I need to woman up and stop being so scared. I can go out and live my normal life. I shouldn't have to worry about seeing him.

Pulling myself out of bed, I shower and get ready for the day. After, I grab my bag and get in my car to go to the coffee shop.

It's still pretty early, earlier than I normally get here. I plan on getting my coffee and leaving. I know I think I don't care about Nathan anymore and should carry on with my normal life, but it's still too soon for me to run into him just yet.

Baby steps.

"Hey, Stella! Long time no see," Kelly greets me with a friendly smile, noticing my absence.

"Hey, Kel," I say, already fishing a five dollar bill out of my bag handing it to her.

"Where have you been?"

"Just... taking some time to myself." I shrug, not wanting to tell her my real reasons.

"Ahh." She hums in understanding, handing me back my change. "Lovers spat?"

"What?" I nearly choke on my own spit. "No! I told you, Nathan and I aren't together."

She nods pursing her lips. "He's real torn up about it you know. Comes and stays here all day hoping you'll show up," she admits solemnly.

My heart drops.

"All day?"

"All day," she confirms.

As much as I want to find that sweet and endearing, it makes me furious. Why would he do that? Why would he choose to skip classes in order to possibly see me?

Taking my coffee from Kelly, I turn to leave only to find Nathan walking in.

"Stella," he says breathlessly, relieved that I've finally showed up.

"I'm not staying. You shouldn't either." I go to leave and brush past him but he shoots his arm out, blocking the door.

We both stay frozen for a moment, almost daring the other to make a move.


"Why have you not been going to class?" I blurt out, furious. "Don't be stupid, Nathan."

"Why did you run out on me the other day?" He counters. "Was it because of what Lilly said? So what! Stella, I like you a lot and I don't want to lose you as a friend because of one stupid little comment."

"That hasn't been the only comment!"

"What do you mean?"

I groan out in frustration, not wanting to explain everything to him or slip and admit my feelings. Swiftly taking a step forward, I manage to duck under his arm and escape the coffee shop.

"Stella!" He grabs my shoulder and I damn all the butterflies that erupt in my stomach to hell.

"Stop! Don't you get it? We can't be friends."

"What's going on out here?" Lauren sticks her head out of her book store, noticing the commotion.

"Nothing," I quickly grumble, shrugging his hand off and turning around to walk away as fast as I can.

For the rest of the day, I lock myself back up in my apartment. So much for trying to go about my normal life.

Unfortunately, eventually I have to get up and go out because I have another party to work tonight. It was a wedding anniversary party for the cutest older couple.

On my drive home, I drive by the coffee shop that has closed, along with all of the other surrounding businesses, a long time ago. But something catches my eye on the dark street. Looking next to the coffee shop, Laurens book store is lit up with dozens of candles all around. Squinting my eyes, I can see her through the windows covering her mouth with her hand as Nathan is knelt before her.

My heart drops and my stomach twists as I spot the huge engagement ring he showed me in Paris. He slips it on her finger. Once it's placed, he rises and she pulls his face to hers, kissing him with such force.

I don't stick around any longer. I hit my foot on the gas and get the hell out of there feeling like I'm going to be physically sick.

I manage to make it home, flopping down onto my bed, tears falling from my eyes.

Why am I crying over a boy I knew could never love me? Why do I feel so heartbroken over this? Why on earth do I have these feelings for him? Why do I still have feelings for him?

What the hell is wrong with me.

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