Lazy Friday Night

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As Miles attempted to stuff all of his books into his bag, a realization struck him. How was he supposed to explain Gwen to his parents? First of all, she was literally out of this universe. Not only that, but he also had to somehow convince his parents to let a girl stay the weekend at their house.

Miles scrunched his face up as he considered his dilemma. While he could give his parents an early heads up through a call or text, maybe he could just show up with her by his side. That way there would be almost no chance that his parents would turn her away.

Gwen tilted her head slightly as she considered Miles. Ganke was gone already, his mom had called him to tell him to come home for dinner. It was a Friday night, and Ganke's mom was big on family functions. Miles had been invited to a few of these dinners before. He had nearly burst with all the food she kept piling onto his plate.

He was shaken from his memories of never-ending waves of food as Gwen slid a dial on her watch counter-clockwise, opening up a display for her to choose from. "I guess it's time for me to go now," she said as she brushed her hair out of her face. She looked up, brilliant blue eyes soft as she stared at Miles. His mouth opened slightly and his brow scrunched. He was baffled by her statement, to say the least.

"Didn't you say you were gonna stay for the weekend? My parents would be totally cool with you. They'd love you." Gwen stuck a finger from her free hand up to his mouth to shush him.

"Miles, think about it. I'm a girl, you're a guy. I can't just swing in all of a sudden and crash at your place. It's not right." She was about to continue trying to knock some sense into Miles when he suddenly broke into a fit of giggles.

"Swing in. Get it?" Gwen shook her head in reply, unable to keep a tiny laugh from sneaking out.

"You dork." She elbowed him jokingly in the side, and he poked her in return. "But you get my point. It's not a good idea."

Miles pressed his lips together and squinted at her. "Well....." Gwen gestured for him to continue with a tiny huff of impatience. "First of all, it'll just be like a hangout. We're not gonna do anything like....bad." Gwen's cheeks colored as he made that suggestion. "Plus, my dad gets me. And once my parents meet you they'll be totally fine with you. We have a guest room too. I can just say that your dad had to leave for the weekend 'cause of work, and you didn't feel comfortable staying by yourself."

Gwen nodded slowly as she thought about what Miles said. It all made sense. Miles had a couple more points to help sway her. "Y'know, my dad knows about the whole universe traveling thing, so that's not really a problem."

Gwen protested, "Why would you tell him about all that, Miles?"

"He's a cop. Of course he'd put two and two together eventually. Also I kinda slipped up and he picked up on it. So don't worry 'bout him. I mean, it's not like we'll be in the same bed...or...nevermind." Both Miles and Gwen flushed a deep scarlet color, with Gwen having to look away until she had herself composed.

"Fine. You've got me, Morales." Miles grinned widely, extending his hand to her. At first, she thought he wanted her to grab hold of his hand, before realizing it was for the special handshake they had created together. Thank god she caught on.

They then departed, Gwen rather anxious as she prepared to formally meet Miles' parents.

* * * * *

"Oh my goodness, Miles! Have you been eating well? Did you do all your homework? Have you been wearing clean socks every day?" Miles' mom crushed him in her embrace, planting kisses all over his face. Gwen giggled in the background as he tried to free himself from his mom, clearly embarrassed. Then his mom caught sight of Gwen, "Jefferson! Mi amore! Look who our boy brought home!" Miles' mom immediately drew Gwen into a tight hug of her own, who stiffened slightly in response before relaxing. Miles' mom glanced at Miles before speaking quickly, "Ella es muy bonita!" Miles frowned mockingly at his mom before she leaned in close and whispered into his ear, "Ella tiene el pelo brillante y bonitos ojos azules."

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