You're New Here?

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"Miles, what's with you and that damn song?" Ganke was nearly at his wit's end. Almost the only song Miles ever listened to was Sunflower. In fact at this point, Ganke had nearly memorized all the lyrics just by listening to it. At first, it wasn't that bad. But everything changed once Miles switched from headphones to a portable speaker. 

"Oh, come on. This song's a classic." Miles was doing his homework as he played the ten-hour loop version of Sunflower through his speaker. "I literally never get tired of this."

Ganke stared at Miles through narrowed eyes. "Yeah, I know." Miles focused his attention back on his homework. Pre-calculus really was a drag sometimes. 

It had been nearly two weeks since Miles had made his visit to see Gwen. So essentially two weeks of emotional torture. Of course, they texted and called each other, but only on weekends when they both had the time. There was only so much that could be conveyed through technology, however. 

Now that Miles had started thinking about Gwen, he couldn't stop. That wasn't a good thing considering the fact that his pre-calculus homework was only half done. He tried to focus back in, scanning the next problem on the worksheet.

Miles read the problem softly to himself, "Chandler and Vondra deposit $800.00 into a savings account which earns 10% interest compounded annually. They want to use the money in the account to go on a trip in 3 years-" 

Once again his thoughts began to wander: I bet Gwen would want to go on vacation. Where would she want to visit? Maybe Alaska, cause they have polar bears. Polar bears are good. But it's kind of-

Miles slammed his pencil onto his desk, leaving a giant mark on his paper, as he leaned back in his chair. Ganke looked over, not all that shocked as Miles had been complaining to him for the past two weeks about wanting to see Gwen. "Let me guess. Gwen, again?" 

Miles nodded, rubbing his eyes with his hands. "You guessed it. But what am I supposed to do about it?" As Sunflower finished playing, he scrolled through his playlist, hoping to find another song to play. No luck. He really needed to find some new music. His thoughts then began to stray.

"Hey, do you think Gwen would want sunflowers? Maybe I could send her some...?"

Ganke sighed, really getting tired of Miles always ranting about Gwen, "I have no idea. Maybe you should ask her instead of me? Anyways it's getting kind of late though. You should sleep on it before going out tonight." Miles nodded sluggishly. He dragged himself over to his bed, planning to nap for a bit before hitting the streets of New York.

Ganke nodded contently to himself, climbing down from his bunk as Miles drifted to sleep. Little did Miles know, but Ganke had taken things into his own hands. Miles had been complaining about the lack of Gwen in his life for the past two weeks. Ganke could only take so much before breaking. In the meantime, he would finish Miles' homework. It was just a little something that he did, given his friend's situation. 

                       *                               *                                   *                                   *                                     *

Miles swung back into his room just as the skies above New York began to brighten. Last night had been relatively quiet, and he took a bit out of a burrito that someone had left out for him. With all the food being left out for him, he was having trouble keeping up. Ganke was already wide awake, programming a physics simulation on his laptop. The first thing Miles did after peeling off his suit was grab his dimension traveling watch.

"Yo what's good, Ganke," Miles said to him as he tapped away on the device. 

"Not much." Ganke didn't continue further, knowing that Miles was completely engrossed in what he was doing. He had a pretty good idea of what that was. 

Some Things You  Can't Refuse-(Spiderverse Miles x Gwen Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now