Chapter 4

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Chaeyoung was so glad to be home after her horrible day at school. Things didn't get any worse after lunch as she thought they be after her little confrontation with Lisa. Although, a few random girls were giving her scowls and she could've sworn that one of them hissed at her when she was at the vending machine.

Chaeyoung threw herself on her bed and put her arm over her eyes. Her head was pounding and she was in desperate need of an aspirin. She accepted Jennie's offer to drive her home because she thought she might kill her brother if he drove her. She was still mad at him about leaving without her and even madder at his pathetic excuse. He claimed that he thought that Chaeyoung had already left with Jennie.

The only drawback of letting Jennie drive her was the inevitable talk that she was dreading ever since lunch. At least Jennie didn't say anything during the drive but now she was in Chaeyoung's kitchen finding something for them to eat.

Letting out a sigh, Chaeyoung rubbed her temples with her fingers. She wished the day would just end and she could fall asleep.

"I've got some pizza rolls and soda," Jennie announced when she entered her room. She was carrying a plate of hot out the oven pizza rolls and holding two cans of soda in one arm.

Chaeyoung smiled at her gratefully and took the plate from her. They ate in silence for a few minutes before Jennie finally spoke up.

"So, um, do you want to talk about what happened?" she asked tentatively.

Chaeyoung finished chewing a roll and looked up at her friend. "I may have overreacted a little," she confessed.

"You were a bit harsh, Chaeng."

"I know!" she exclaimed startling Jennie. "It's just, God, today just sucked and she just pushed me over the edge. She just won't leave me alone."

Jennie bit her lip not quite sure how to proceed. "Okay, Chaeng, I know Lisa is a piece of work but she's harmless."

"Are you defending her?" Chaeyoung asked angrily.

"No! God, Chaeng. Look, I know she's been making your life a living hell but some of things you said were out of line, and I know you said those things in the heat of the moment but you still said them."

Chaeyoung made a sound that was a cross between a groan and growl. "So what do you want me to do? Say sorry? Lisa still needed to hear some of things I did mean."

"Yeah, I think she heard it loud and clear."

Chaeyoung could feel her head pounding even harder. "Look, I know I was out of line, but I can't just apologize to her."

"Why not?"

"Because," Chaeyoung paused trying to think of what to say without sounding like a bitch. "I don't want to give her hope."

Jennie gave her a look. "Do you really hate her?"

Chaeyoung looked down. "No. It's just....she just doesn't seem like someone I would see myself with."

"Chaeyoung, you don't even know her."

"I know what I've seen," Chaeyoung said looking back up. "And I don't want to be a part of that."

There a few minutes of silence as both girls sat there just thinking. "Have you ever liked her?" Jennie asked.

"Once," Chaeyoung admitted and Jennie looked shocked.


"Towards the end of Freshmen year. Lisa was just starting to flirt with me and I was playing hard to get, you know. I actually thought she liked me."

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