Chapter 1

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It was hot. Really hot. So hot that Lisa was convinced that she could pop kernels on the pavement and make popcorn. She was very close to taking off all clothes and walk around naked for the rest of the day but Lisa figured that wouldn't be the best of ideas.

At least it was lunch time and Lisa only had to endure three more periods of class before she can go home and jump in her very cold pool. She leaned against her friend's locker, banging her head repeatedly against it, as she waited for her arrival. She was hot and starving. Not a very good combination.

When she finally saw her best friend looking like she just ran marathon from the way she was all flushed and sweaty, Lisa stood up straight and glared at her.

"About fricking time," Lisa snapped when Jisoo approached her. "What took you so long?"

Jisoo just rolled her eyes and opened her locker door. "There's a little thing called class I had to attend. The bell just rang, dumbass, we don't all skip like you." She started putting her books and way and wiped her sweaty forehead with her arm. "You know schools close when there's snow. Why can't they close when there's a heat wave?"

Lisa would've agreed if she wasn't so hungry and cranky from the heat. "I don't fucking know, can we go now?" she asked impatiently.

Jisoo slammed the locker door and quirked up her eyebrow. "Oh my God, what crawled up your ass?"

"I don't know, Jisoo, but it wants lunch, too." Lisa didn't bother waiting for her and proceeded to make her way to the parking lot. She loved the fact that now she was a junior, she was allowed to have off campus lunch. She didn't think she could stomach the cafeteria food for another year.

Hopping into her convertible, Lisa put the top down and waited for Jisoo to get in the passenger seat.

"What the hell were you doing during fourth period?" Jisoo asked as Lisa pulled out of the parking lot.

"I took a nap in the shade," Lisa answered and turned down a street. "Of course by the time I woke up, the sun had shifted so I wasn't in the shade anymore. I got burnt." She pointed to her right shoulder where skin had turned shiny and red.

Jisoo grimaced. "Ouch. Well, that's what you get for skipping class," she chastised.

"Please, it was art class. I only took it because I needed the credit to graduate. I honestly don't give a shit."

"You could've taken music class instead considering you actually like doing that," Jisoo pointed out rationally.

Lisa scoffed. "Please, and be labeled a band geek? Lalisa Manoban is not a band geek."

Jisoo just rolled her eyes. "Damnit, it seems like the entire upperclassmen are here." Lisa had just pulled up to a restaurant where every Eastside High juniors and seniors went to during lunch. It seemed like everyone wanted to get away today. "We're never going to find a table," Jisoo complained as they made their way inside.

"Jisoo, are you forgetting who owns this restaurant?" Lisa reminded her.

Jisoo hit her head as Lisa made her way to the back. "Uncle T!" she exclaimed when she saw a man come out from the kitchen doors.

"Lisa! About time you showed your ass here." He enveloped her in a hug.

"Yeah, sorry," Lisa said once they pulled apart. "I got into some trouble and my off campus lunch privileges were revoked."

Her uncle laughed. "Likely story. Go have a seat over there." He pointed towards an empty table in the back. "Reserved only for the special people." He winked at her before disappearing back in the kitchen.

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